Friday, January 05, 2007

And the Beat Goes On....


Time is going by crazy fast. I'm starting to feel panicky and anxious about when the labour will come. Moreso, if I'm going to have someone to watch the kids. Jason's work is about 30 min from our house, plus, it's a good 20-25 min to the hospital on a good traffic day from where we live now! I haven't even begun to worry about the actual delivery. I'm mentally preparing myself for having to drive 2 miserable kids (who don't want to go anywhere), after having loaded them in the van... contractions coming... scrambling to find someone who's home to watch them... Then, meeting Jason AT the hospital! Ugh... the value of family close by! I hope to go in the night, on the weekend (when Jason isn't working), or after Feb 1... That way my MIL, Bobbie will be here, as she retires on Jan 31 of this year!! Stressful.

I'm really uncomfortable these days. My wrist is bothering me... good 'ol Carpal Tunnel. I shouldn't be typing really, but the splint helps with the pain. Somehow, it's easier on the laptop than the regular computer! The baby is moving lots still, and the poking and squirms are getting quite painful! Kieran and Fiona seem to think my belly is a launching pad and have little concern for the pain it causes their mother!

I had a 3rd ultrasound the other day, to confirm the baby's position. It's down, and hopefully it will stay there! I don't want a c-section. The baby weighs just short of 6lbs, according to measurements etc. The sex is not confirmed... but 2 of the 3 techs suspect it's a girl. That doesn't help us any. We're still struggling to chose a name, or at least agree on a spelling! The crib isn't together yet (as Kieran broke one of the spindels)... and I'm still awaiting the return of the infant clothes I gave away after Kieran outgrew them... Three weeks to go, and I feel very unprepared. I've just wrote out a list of numbers for when the time comes... I should have a bag packed... but that's not done yet either!

Well, that's the pregnancy update. I'm a whale. I'm sore. I'm frustrated. I'm tired... and the list goes on! lol



Katy said...

oh! I wish I could babysit for you! Do you have a list of at least three people who might babysit? There's no way you want to be loading kids in the car during contractions, won't your babysitter come to you?

Sorry to make you more panicky, I'm sure you will take this all in stride. Don't worry about the names. Our local corner shop couple didn't name their baby boy until a week or so later. They're Chinese and they had chosen a Chinese name and took a lot longer to get the English name. Ended up with Brian (very popular with Chinese parents here! their other son is Stephen.

Anyway, thinking of you and your bump.

swandive_pixie said...

We just have Darren & Erin, our old neighbours and some possible friends a bit further west off whyte... It's whether people will be home, or not! Everyone has kids (except our neighbours), so they canm't just up and come... Our neighbours are older, and don't drive.