Saturday, January 13, 2007

I'll Try To Keep It Sweet... No Promises!

What's new? Well, we've received another dump of snow from Mother Nature. If I hear another person tell me that they have no snow, or plus temperatures I'm going to smack them! :P We haven't seen grass since mid-October. I don't know how much we got the other day, but I'll post a picture and you can guestimate! It'd say about 5" or so... On the plus side, we've not been as cold as poor Winnipeg! I saw they were at -41C or something w/ the windchill... We didn't crack out of the -30's as far as I know... I see they're getting -42C tonight w/ the windchill. My sympathies go out to you (Christie, Cheryl, Steve and Alex!) The last 2 winters here in Edmonton were super. This one is making up for lost time.

I don't know how old Jason and I are going to be, when we get to sleep as late as we would like... especially on a weekend! Today, Jason had to go into work and teach 2 classes. Kieran, of course, was up at the usual 5:30am. Fiona was up by 6:45am! I went to bed early last night, but I don't think I slept for 2 consecutive hours! I was up every hour or so, tossing and turning. My skin has been intensely itchy lately. Some of you know, I suffer from some sort of seasonal skin itch. I've had it for over 6 yrs now, and it doesn't seem to matter what the climate is! However, since moving here, it starts a hell of a lot earlier... like summer! So, I seem to have it from late July until April or so? It's seeming to be less and less of a seasonal disorder. No Doctor seems to be able to tell me why it's happening. Prescription meds haven't helped, allergy meds don't work, and neither do itch creams or homeopathic remedies! I'm so frustrated. I actually have bruises from scratching and pinching my skin so hard to satiate the itch! So, that's what kept me up for most of last night- other than the usual frequent bathroom trips and uncomfortable roll-overs! Then, I had the kids up early... and Jason gone at work all day. I'm a wee bit grumpy... hence the title of this post!

I love my kids, I really do! But these exhausting behaviours of theirs are taking a toll on my lifeless body! I can't react quick enough to stop Kieran from throwing a toy at his sister... or to stop Fiona before she hits Kieran. Fiona's moved on to a whole new level of 'testing'. Her intelligence has become troublesome for me. She seems to know exactly what to say to push my buttons, and some days, it feels like I'm back on shift at the group home... Only this time, it's personal. This is MY child telling me that she doesn't love me, so it's hard to disassociate and to not personalize. I'm finding little comfort in the phrase "this too shall pass", as #3 is on it's way... and the only thought that runs through my mind like a freight train is "it's only going to get worse after the baby comes!" I'm not really looking for advice or comments like "oh I know... that's what kids do at that age". It doesn't make me feel any better. I'm just venting here- and perhaps, I've already said too much...

Time is going by so quickly, but so slow as well. I'm 2 weeks from my due date, and I'm so not prepared! I haven't packed bags... I haven't moved things from Kieran's old room to his new room (with Fiona). Then again, it's not like we've ever been terribly organized! lol

I'm going to post some pics of the kids... Here they are...

Thanks Lindsay & Ted for the cute little baby booties!

An aerial view of the kids... That's Fiona's "Lava Skirt" that Grandma made for her. SHe likes doing twirls with it on! :)

1 comment:

christy said...

Yeeeah, it has been pretty cold here. There was at least one day where it was so cold that school was cancelled for my co-worker's kids! So the -16ÂșC today feels just balmy. ;)