Wednesday, January 17, 2007

First of all... please notice, I have added my links back on the sidebar! I finally took the time to go into the html and cut and paste the web addresses... I'll slowly add more, but for now... I think those are the main ones!

I had my tests yesterday at the hospital, and then I was off to the Dr's office for my weekly appointment. I had to get a NST (non-stress test) done... Basically, they hook you up to the fetal monitor with those lovely elastic bands and doppler-like discs... They monitor the baby's heart rate, and contractions (if any). Everything seemed fine... The normal rate seemed to be between 138-140 bpm. After that, I had to head down to radiology for my FOURTH ultrasound. This was to check my amniotic fluid levels, as they have been on the low end of normal. The tech was a student. She took a long time to get all her measurements and information. She barely talked, and seemed to be moving at a snail's pace! I was aching from all this time on those uncomfortable "beds". I'd prefer to call them tables, b/c that's what they feel like you're laying on! My sciatic nerve was having a party on my left side, and my lower back was screaming for relief. Everytime she'd leave the room to ask her supervisor a question, I'd roll over to relieve my back! This ultrasound took a solid hour. She didn' t get a single look at the genitalia.. So she had no information to give me on that front. Sex is still not confirmed. After 3 hrs at the hospital, I drove over to my Dr's office, which is across the street...

My amnio. fluids haven't dropped... So, I will not be induced. The only chance to induction, is if I haven't delivered by the 30th, and another ultrasound determines the levels have dropped. If that doesn't happen, she can't induce until I've gone at least 8 days past my due date. So, I'm back to waiting for labour to ensue on it's own. I have a feeling that I won't go to my due date. It just feels too heavy when I walk/stand etc... I've been having mild cramps today, and my lower back is aching... Both are signs, but it could be like this for another week or so? I'm also 2cm dilate. I remember taking HOURS after contractions started, with Fiona, to get to 2cm!! I could stay at 2cm for another week or two.... So, that's no indication, either! *sigh*

So, that's my preggo update.

I'm hoping to get back into bellydancing after the baby is born, and the next session begins (late April or May)... I can't dance right now, no matter how bad I feel the desire. My body just tells me to go to hell and won't cooperate! lol It's quite hard listening to my bellydance music, and not moving my hips... Just a bit of a tangent... I'm listening to the stuff right now..........

I should go... The kids are being put to bed now. It's been a long day! Kieran's up at 5:30am w/o fail everyday! Fiona's up around 6:30am... Sleep? What's that?


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