Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Pregnancy Update

I had another Dr appointment today. First off, I had to wait for over an hour past my appt time! It was pure madness! It's so frustrating to see women who are NOT pregnant, sitting in the chairs, while pregnant women stand b/c there are no seats available! So rude. Anyway... turns out my ultrasound last week revealed that my amniotic fluid is on the 'low end of normal'... So, I have to go for ANOTHER ultrasound next Tuesday. I also have to get a Non-Stress Test done that same day... both at the hospital. After those two tests are complete, I have to go to my Dr's office to discuss the results. If the fluid is low... the Dr said we'll have to discuss the possibility of being induced. Music to my ears.

I know some women dread and fear being induced. I, however, welcome the idea! This will allow me to make arrangements ahead of time for the kids to be taken care of, and for me to make it to the hospital (which is about 25 kms from our house)! I have been SO stressed about impending labour. Kieran was induced, and that went so well... Especially, since I only had Fiona's 40 hr labour to compare it to! So, it couldn't possibly have been any worse! lol

I'm now scrambling to figure out a plan for Tuesday. I have to be @ the hospital for 12:45pm. My first test is at 1pm, then the u/s is at 2pm. After that, I have to go to my Dr's office... probably around 3pm. So that's a good 4 hrs I'm going to need someone watching the kids! Ugh. It never ends. Jason's starting some new classes that day, and can't take off work. Bringing them with me isn't an option. SO divine intervention would be appreciated, if you're listening, God!

Beware of whiny complaints:
I'm SO sore. My back is really hurting, and I'm scared to rub it for fear of causing more pain or damage. It's different from my sciatica, but close to the same area and on the same side. What's really driving me bonkers, is the restless legs at bedtime! It's sooooo aggrivating!!! I need to get to sleep as fast as I can, so it doesn't have a chance to start and get me unfocused. Sleep is a different story. It isn't happening much at all... My carpal tunnel has been up and down today. As long as I let my hand rest for a while, it seems to settle down. Typing all this is probably going to set it off, though :(

Well, I am going to close off this post for now. I shall keep you all updated.



christy said...

Wow, I can't believe you're so far along already! Guess I haven't checked out your blog for a while. :S I can be terrible at keeping in touch, even when I have the best intentions.

After writing Jason with that computer question a while ago, I meant to follow up and tell you guys that I did get that new job I was after (just worked my 3rd shift today), so that's my good news for the month. :)

Anyway, I called my future mother-in-law (in Edmonton) to see if she could help you out looking after Kieran and Fiona next week, but she's apparently working full time now. Which is good news (she was having trouble finding something) ...just not helpful to your situation.

swandive_pixie said...

Thanks Christy! ;)

Congrats on the new job, btw :)

Anonymous said...

Katrina, I've been wondering how you're doing! I haven't heard from you in ages. Go ahead and whine, you're allowed when you're pregnant!! I hope you can figure out childcare arrangements. Wish I could watch the kids for you!

swandive_pixie said...

Jason has Tuesday off in the afternoon... so it's all good for childcare ;)