Monday, November 20, 2006

Settling In... No Pics yet...

Hello everyone. Thought I'd post really fast, and update you all on our new house and move....

We are now in our new house! We're still emptying out of the duplex we were living in. It's hard to sort, clean and pack up with 2 kids running around. I tried today, and it was very difficult! There's so much stuff at our new place (thank God we have a basement), but there still is much left to bring over! ugh...

Thanks to my brother Shaun, and his girlfriend Cathy... and a coworker of Jason's... we were able to do the move without too much strain. I wasn't any help. I was on kid detail... 7 mos pregnant and all! Thanks again to our helpers!! :)

The new house is great. We've got a running list of things we need to do, want to do and would eventually like to do... A few priorities include ridding the basement of the kitty piss smell! GRrrrr... Just ONE of the reasons I will never own a cat! Another, is scrubbing down the walls in our bedroom and the downstairs washroom. It seems the previous owner locked herself in these 2 rooms for 16 years and supported the tobacco industry! ICK! The smell is only noticeable in the bathroom, thank GOD! I would like to paint our bedroom... preferably a dark earthy green... like sage or olive. Ideally, I'd like to paint the other 2 bedrooms, too! Of course, those aren't as big on the priority list.

IT's great having sooooo much more space, multiple levels/floors and NO ONE below or above us! The carpets are all new, as are the windows. We'll need some curtains and blinds... but we'll get to those eventually ;)

All in all... we're doing great, and loving that we own a house. I'll post pics as soon as we figure out where our camera is!!

Jason and Fiona surprised me tonight, while I was out for groceries at Costco... They put up the Christmas tree! We'll decorate tomorrow. I'm excited to put up lights on the house, too! :)

Enough for now... Hope everyone is well. Our phone is hooked up now, effective today... and it's the SAME number! If you need our new address, email me.

Take care!

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