Tuesday, November 07, 2006

No news really...

I felt like I should post something. I haven't got anything new to report on our lives... or new pictures! I've been really lazy about that.... I do keep the flogs up to date, though! When I changed my template, I lost all my links that used to be at the side! Grrrr I'm very much a point and click computer user, so all that HTML stuff is foreign to me! I'm surprised I got it there in the first place! Now, I have to figure it out again... when I've got more time, of course! I'm still figuring out when I'm going to get my Christmas cards made up! I have all these stamps and paper ready for making them, but with the move and packing.. it's been hard to find the time and space! On our moving date, the lady who sells Stampin' Up (cori), is having an all day stamp-a-thon at her house... called PMS (Pizza, Music & Stamping)! I can't go, b/c that is the day we have our moving truck booked :( *sniff* *sniff*

Erin just left. She brought the girls over, and came with Starbucks coffee (gingerbread latte..mmm ... decaf of course), and hot chocolate for Fiona. That was great. I was rotting the day away in the house, and it was good having some company, and motivation to get dressed (and tidy up a bit)!

My friend, Erica (in Kitchener), had her 2nd baby last week. She gave birth to a boy, named Lucas Peter Roden. He was just over 7lbs, and sounds like her labour was less than 3 hrs once the contractions were 5 mins apart! Lucky girl!! Erica was at my wedding for those of you who were there.. She and I went to school together since grade 5!!

Fiona's doing her independant time right now, but just came out stomping and demanding that she come out right away. This of course, woke her brother up! That drives me nuts when she pulls those stunts! Her favourite thing to do, is stomp and kick the doors/walls, as she knows we have to address it (b/c there are people living downstairs)! Grrr...

Speaking of downstairs tennants... Have i mentioned how HAPPY I will be once we leave this place and don't have to deal with this crap ever again?!?!?!?!? Well, I'm ecstatic! Those guys down there right now, are the most inconsiderate jerks ever! They've been smoking INSIDE the house again... I complained to our landlady, and she left a note on their door. Well, didn't that send them into a payback mode! The one guy banged on Fiona's floor 2 times last night while Jason was playing guitar to help her get to sleep (we're talking Leonard Cohen.. not KISS!). Jason went down to ask what the problem was, and his reply was that he was fixing something. Pft.. whatever. This morning, they made strong efforts to slam every door and cupboard they could, while getting ready for work at 5:30am! When they came up the stairs to the door (which is super loud, nevermind when they're being jerks), they stomped their boots on, and slammed both doors so hard the house shook! At that moment, I fantasized about causing serious harm to their heads! Then Kieran woke up... I guess they accomplished their mission. Bastards. *deep breaths* We get posession next week... ahhhhhh.....

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