Friday, November 24, 2006


Today we are sitting at a windchill temp of -32C!! That's 25F... BRRRRR

Jason called this morning, to say he had locked the keys in the van, after arriving at work. So, I had to load the kids up and take them all the way to the west end of the city. I didn't have the car out at all yesterday, so it was covered in snow. I don't know how much, but it was a lot. Plus, the wind was whipping all the dry snow back in my face. My winter coat may as well be made of mesh, b/c I could feel the wind whipping through right through it!!! CoLD. Man, that's a long drive. It's only about 22km, but with these roads being so horrible, it took a really long time. I have a longer distance to drive to the hospital when this baby decides to come in January! :( I am a bit freaked about that...

After dropping off a key for Jason, I took the kids to McD's to play in the playland. They had a good time, and burned off some energy. Fiona was excellent. She listened and left the park when asked once! Kieran fell asleep on the drive home... I was going to stop at the store and get bread and fabric softner... But decided just to get the kids home and get Kieran off to bed for a nap. I even got to have a shower :) THe pressure in our shower is really strong. I don't dare complain, but it's quite loud and it backs on to Kieran's room. So, when I got out of the shower, I could hear Kieran crying... Poor kid.

Jason got some curtains up last night, to keep the draft off the windows. The curtains in our living room are now too short, but they'll be great for our window in our bedroom. Jason also sealed up the huge window by the front door. What a difference that has made! Slowly, but surely, it's starting to look more and more like our place. This weekend, we'll be busy finishing up at the other house. The guys have been smoking their brains out while we've been gone, so it stinks. Jason was sure to get all our clothes and towels out, so they wouldn't stink so bad...

Well, I've blabbed on enough...


Katy said...

ooo, sounds terribly cold!!!

What part of the city does Jason work in?

swandive_pixie said...

Jason is closer to Stony Plain than here... He's at 184 St and Yellowhead.