Friday, August 18, 2006

Great show!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I went to see "Drama Queen" at the Fringe last night. Erin, Dana and I, all met at the theatre. It was an awesome show. Alex Dallas is the only performer, and was hilarious. The stage is set with a vintage chair, and a sidetable, stocked with chocolate boxes and margarita glass. Everything she says in her monologue, is completely true and has happened in her life. That's what all her material is- her life experiences! This woman never lives a dull moment, I'm sure of it! We met up with Alex after the show, and went to the beer tents to chat. Her show was almost a sell-out, which she was very happy with, considering it was the Fringe's opening night, and tons of free events were taking place at the same time.

We had a great time, her, Erin and I. It was so nice getting out and being with women- socializing- and not about our kids (for the most part)! Alex has a 13 yr old daughter, Ruby, so we were listening intently on how to raise a self-confident girl in this crazy society! lol Ruby Dallas... can you imagine having such a striking name as that? Anyway, it was really great getting to talk with Alex. She's such a sweet woman- and I don't mean sweet, like an old lady. She is just sincere and honest... and funny as hell.

After parting with Alex on Whyte Ave, we went to Death By Chocolate! I got the Devil in Disguise dessert! Erin and I haven't really ever been out on Whyte Ave at night before. We were constantly annoyed/amused by drunk boys banging on the windows while we ate our desserts. We were even mooned by one of them! He could do with a butt-wax! lol

We were home by midnight. It was a nice night out with the girls.

1 comment:

swandive_pixie said...

I'll email you about it ;) A great deal of it, is her attitude and personality with her daughter. But mostly, she said they need to be raised in a way that they are proud of their body and know themselves sexually (respect will fall into place).