Friday, August 25, 2006

Another Whyte Night

I'm posting this a few days after the event....

It's almost 2 am, and I just got home. Yes, can you believe it?! I actually went out tonight, and felt like a young woman again... (but the next morning, I certainly felt my age!)

Erin phoned me this afternoon, to ask if I wanted to meet up with her and Alex on Whyte for drinks... Of course, non-alcoholic for me ;) Just a subtle reminder, Alex is performing in the Fringe, and is a friend of Erin's from Toronto. I was going to a Stampin' Up workshop tonight, but was up for meeting them after it was finished, around 9:30pm. It was pure madness trying to find a parking spot, as people were still in the streets, exiting/entering shows and making their way to the bars. I finally got a spot 2 blocks from the bar, The Next Act. I was happy that the sun wasn't all the way gone, as it can be a bit freaky walking alone in this area- even with so much people.

When I arrived at the bar/pub... I prefer pub, b/c it's not really the meat-markety place I envision when using the word "bar"... Alex and Erin were sitting at a table with 2 young guys (sooo sorry I don't remember your names) and a girl. I never did get formally introduced! Alex was sporting a teal cowboy hat. Afterall, this is the Wild West, and the Fringe's slogan was "Hi Yo Fringe Away!"... Quite cheesy, if you ask me. Alex wore the hat well... it didn't suit Erin or myself. Anyway, I do remember one of the guys were from LA (but has lived many places around the world, as his parents were in the Peace Corps), and the other was a Pixies fan (I remember the important things!) and currently writing for SEE magazine, here in Edmonton. Both were very interesting to talk with. Some of the Fringe thespians and poets popped in and out of the bar, and said their hellos to Alex. I just listened. Apparently, one of the men who stopped, a Scottish guy, is a very well known poet. I'll be damned if I can't remember his name! Erin knows... He rolled some drum cigarettes for everyone (except me), and was gone as quickly as he arrived... The conversation almost always diverted back to sex, sexuality or some other form of provocative conversation... It wasn't so hard to just sit and listen, or participate! lol

From there, we went to Shoppers Drug Mart to get cigarettes (once again, NOT for me)! :) We ran into a drunk moron who, as Alex so clearly pointed out, could not speak english! Now, Alex has a very proper sounding English accent. She is from Middlesex, afterall. It's not quite like the Queen's accent, but still proper sounding to the likes of me!

Nexs stop was The Elephant and Castle. This seems to be the place to be during the Fringe. All the actors and performers hang out here after their shows, if they aren't at the beer tents. It was a fun atmosphere. What a unique and mystical sub-culture. All these people are from all over the world, really. They don't see each other, other than when they come together to the Fringe. Everyone's busy catching up, gossiping, sharing stories, congratulating one another on sold out shows (way to go Alex!). I was able to get an uncut, unscensored glimpse into this underworld, dare I say! Lots of flings happen here, and it seems to be norm. There's no expectation of a long term relationship. It feels safe, I'm sure, to have this kind of encounter... all during a time where emotions and drama run high! Well, I won the raffle for a free prize at the pub! I got some fancy lager glasses, a super-duper mini shirt, and some other beer paraphanelia. Yeah, me! I don't win things often.

After a few hours of gabbing on here, we decided it was late enough (almost 1:30am)!! Erin and I both had kids to take care of in the morning! I'm really not as young as I once was, and tonight was a blunt reminder of that. Even though, many of the Fringers were around my age- I still felt years older. Perhaps, b/c I have 2 children and one on the way... I don't know. Being pregnant certainly doesn't help me recover from late nights, either! lol One small blessing, was not having to smell and inhale second-hand smoke all night long! There's no smoking allowed in any public establishments... EVEN bars! Ahhh.... I wish they'd ban smoking everywhere, to be honest! But, that's a whole other rant!

Good night.

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