Thursday, August 17, 2006

Fringe Festival

I'm off to the Fringe tonight. For those of you who are unaware, it's a huge arts performace festival. Nothing stuffy. It's quite liberal, and even controversial in content ;) Edmonton's is the 2nd largest host to the festival in the world. Edinburgh is the biggest. It tours around the world and Canada, of course. The last Fringe I attended was in Toronto, back when I was pregnant with Fiona. I'm going to see the same woman I saw then. Her name is Alex Dallas, and this year's performance piece is called "Drama Queen". The last performance I saw was called "Nymphomania" Alex is a friend of Erin's ... It was quite funny! Anyway... off I go to get ready. Kieran's up now, too...

1 comment:

christy said...

I only saw one show at the Winnipeg Fringe this year - Sound and Fury's "Canned Hamlet". It was pretty good (or pretty bad, depending on how you look at it), basically Shakespeare full of really stupid and raunchy humour. John and I liked it though.