Friday, August 29, 2008


I've been thinking lately. Yes, that happens from time to time.

I've been thinking about who I am as a person.

How would I describe myself? What do I believe in? What do I enjoy doing? What am I passionate about? What are my goals? Those kinds of things. The more I ponder it, the more I begin to think I've really lost sight of me. Since getting married, and having 3 kids... I've changed. Some ways are for the better, but in many I don't like how I've deleted parts of my personal hard-drive. Does that even make sense?! I feel indifferent about things. My confidence has plummeted and when I think about my future- I have no real visions. By that I mean, career, school etc. It seems my mind is living day to day.

I used to be able to multi-task. I held 3 jobs after college! I was working 80 hrs a week and doing quite well at managing it! I loved being busy. I look back on some of the things I've done over the years (work-wise) and I'm stunned. Would I be so daring now, if I tried it all over again!? I'm mostly thinking back on working for the Children's Aid Society and the Catholic Children's Aid Society in Hamilton, Ontario. I had so much passion for my work. I really wanted to make a difference and felt it was possible. Passion. I'm lacking that bigtime nowadays.

After working at an intensive treatment centre here in Edmonton, I vowed never to return to youth work again. I was constantly dealing with aggression & abuse (from the kids)! Every shift was sure to include a restraint. Now, when a job is this horrible and ungreatful... and pays crap, having an employer that treats you like dirt and gives no support just makes it all the more worse. I was beginning to loathe the sight of teenagers congregating in malls or on streets. I always thought they were up to no good. This is a horrible way to be. I'm still trying to rid myself of this negativity.

I'm not as patient as I'd like to be. I'm not even as compassionate as I would like to be. I used to be better at those things. More ways that I've changed... and not for the better.

When people ask me what I do... and by this they mean as a contributor to society and for income... I almost always reply "I'm just home with my kids"... Why do I feel the need to say JUST? Three kids under the age of 5 (almost 6) is a fulltime job. I don't profess to be any good at it, but I've sacrificed a lot of myself to do it. People often equate their value with the job they do to make money... by their career. I wish people could get past this, including myself.

I've been home with my kids fulltime for over 3 yrs. I'm feeling out of the loop. I have very little friends, even after being in Edmonton for over 4 yrs. I don't always meet people through common interests... like music and/or hobbies. I get to pick from parents of kids in Fiona's class. This is how I get to meet new people. Then there's meeting people through other people... I have trouble with this. Even though I may really find this person to be really interesting, fun and cool... I don't trust that the person truly wants to be my friend. Are they just being nice? Do they feel obligated? Am I just riding on the coat-tails of other people to get friends!? It's like highschool all over again, sometimes... trying to break into already existing social circles. Am I annoying? Do I talk to much? Do I laugh to loud? Do I have any substance?!

I used to really sociable. I loved being with friends and interacting with friends all the time when I was younger. Now, I find this exhausting and relish alone time. I guess that's par for the course when you're a mum to 3 kids.

I used to bike & rollerblade! I don't do either anymore. I don't even have a bike.

I used to take time to make myself look good. I did my hair, wore some make-up and semi-fashionable clothes. I don't do any of those things anymore. I don't take any pride in my appearance.... not even my hair [and anyone who knows me, knows how I am about hair ;)]

I used to write short stories, and poetry. I used to read poetry. Where did that person go!?!?

I feel lost.

Out of touch.


Then there's faith.

What do I believe in? This is another area in which I feel indifferent at times. Wishy-washy. Unable to clearly state what I believe or which Faith I believe in. Perhaps it's fear.

I was raised Roman Catholic. I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe in treating others as you would have them do unto you. I belive in the 10 commandments. I don't believe in natural sin. I don't believe in using guilt as a means of getting people to tow the line. I don't believe in having clergy, all men, delegated by men who consider themselves representatives of God. I don't believe that in order to be obsolved of my sins, that I have to confess to a man who allegedly represents God. Corruption is all over the place in the Catholic Church. I have first-hand knowledge and experience with this. I don't support this, either. So, I don't really consider myself a Catholic. I believe that God is compassionate, gracious, understanding, loving, accepting, non-judgemental, all-embracing.

Jason is a Baha'i. We are raising our children in the Baha'i Faith. I attend Feast when possible. I go to devotionals, when possible. I attend celebrations such as Ayyam-i-Ha & Ridvan. [Of course since moving to Edmonton, and now having 3 kids, it's hard to get to celebrations and feasts]. I believe that God wants peace for the world. I believe in unity and equality, as does the Baha'i Faith. I even believe that a man named Baha'u'llah existed and had a very important message to deliver to the world... So why can I not officially accept this Faith as my own, and profess it to the world by signing my card? What am I afraid of? Am I afraid of not being able to celebrate Christmas anymore? Losing all that is familiar to me? Worried that I will be condemned to hell for turning my back on the Catholic Church?! I don't really have the answers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Katrina... I feel for you and I'm right there with you. I don't think this is such an uncommon thing for SAHMs to feel. I have definitely changed since being a mom. I have to force myself to be social, and it's not always easy to do. I am finding Olivia being in school harder than I anticipated, especially being the new girl on the block.

Here's what I think. Who cares if people don't like you? You are too old to be worrying about if you're laughing too loud!!! LAUGH GIRL!

You are a strong, amazing, gorgeous woman full of life, giving, loving, and anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend!

Pick one thing you want to get back and get started on doing that, whether it's bike riding or fixing your hair every day. Just one thing right now. And I just bet that will help you feel a little bit better about yourself.

I am also having an identity crisis of faith. I grew up Catholic, we now attend a Lutheran church, but I am feeling more Methodist or baptist, these days. And maybe it's just because my views don't really fall into line with any one religion that I'm having such a hard time with. I imagine the idea of giving up christmas would be very difficult. It would be so hard for me to do.

Just do one thing today for yourself! You have two daughters that you are a STRONG role model for! They are so lucky! YOU CAN DO IT!