Wednesday, January 31, 2007

About her name...

People are often curious about the name we've given our daughter. Her name is Irish/Gaelic, and traditionally spelled Roisin. Jason really wasn't fond of the spelling, but we both loved the name... so we compromised with a phonetic spelling.... Below, is some brief info on the name Rosheen. Her middle name is Nuria. Many people have been asking us how it is pronounced. It is said noor-ee-ah. It comes from the Arabic word Noor/Nur, which means light. It's commonly a boy's name as Nur/Noor. Nuria/Nouria is also a Spanish name, meaning enlightened.


Gender: Feminine
: Irish Gaelic
Roísín is a diminutive of Roís, an Irish Gaelic form of the name Rose. Rose is an English name. It can either mean “Rose” as in the flower, or “Horse” from the Germanic “hros.”

Roísín is a modern Irish Gaelic name that has lately become popular in Ireland.

Pronunciation: rosh-een.

Anglicized: Rosheen.

Percentage from the 1990 U.S. Census:
less than 0.001 % named Roisin

Popularity of Roisin
Popularity (for newborns)
In Ireland...
1998: 20th most popular.
1999: 17th most popular.
2000: 23rd most popular.
2001: 25th most popular.
2002: 24th most popular.
2003: 27th most popular.

Copyright © 2

Sunday, January 28, 2007

New Photos

Just to let you all know, there are more pictures that have been added to Rosheen's Picassa WebLog.... Just click the photo in the previous post of my blog, or click this link:

Fiona helped with Rosheen's first bathing at home, as you'll see in the pictures! :)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Welcome Rosheen Nuria Fleming
January 23, 2007 @ 5:22pm
Grey Nuns Hospital
Edmonton, Alberta
7lbs 7oz, 18" long


The above picture will take you to the Picassa Web Album

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Our neighbourhood...

Jason got some great pictures from around our house... He's planning to do some sort of virtual tour thing online, but I thought I'd post some of them here for you all to see ;)

The kids get out tobogganing with Dad lots... Good thing, b/c Mum is not keen to travel around on the snow! They went out this morning before the sun was completely up. Don't gasp too much- the sun isn't up until after 8am! :) Behind our complex, there are 2 skating rinks, a community centre, and 3 different schools! Fiona will be attending the public elementary school (white one) in the fall. It'll be nice having it closeby! Here are some pictures.... Enjoy!

This OUR house from the back path. There's a trail behind us that lots of people use to walk dogs etc...

The back path behind our string of townhouses...

The back field, looking back at our house.

The sled trail from our house...

Kids on the toboggan.

Dad's eye view...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

First of all... please notice, I have added my links back on the sidebar! I finally took the time to go into the html and cut and paste the web addresses... I'll slowly add more, but for now... I think those are the main ones!

I had my tests yesterday at the hospital, and then I was off to the Dr's office for my weekly appointment. I had to get a NST (non-stress test) done... Basically, they hook you up to the fetal monitor with those lovely elastic bands and doppler-like discs... They monitor the baby's heart rate, and contractions (if any). Everything seemed fine... The normal rate seemed to be between 138-140 bpm. After that, I had to head down to radiology for my FOURTH ultrasound. This was to check my amniotic fluid levels, as they have been on the low end of normal. The tech was a student. She took a long time to get all her measurements and information. She barely talked, and seemed to be moving at a snail's pace! I was aching from all this time on those uncomfortable "beds". I'd prefer to call them tables, b/c that's what they feel like you're laying on! My sciatic nerve was having a party on my left side, and my lower back was screaming for relief. Everytime she'd leave the room to ask her supervisor a question, I'd roll over to relieve my back! This ultrasound took a solid hour. She didn' t get a single look at the genitalia.. So she had no information to give me on that front. Sex is still not confirmed. After 3 hrs at the hospital, I drove over to my Dr's office, which is across the street...

My amnio. fluids haven't dropped... So, I will not be induced. The only chance to induction, is if I haven't delivered by the 30th, and another ultrasound determines the levels have dropped. If that doesn't happen, she can't induce until I've gone at least 8 days past my due date. So, I'm back to waiting for labour to ensue on it's own. I have a feeling that I won't go to my due date. It just feels too heavy when I walk/stand etc... I've been having mild cramps today, and my lower back is aching... Both are signs, but it could be like this for another week or so? I'm also 2cm dilate. I remember taking HOURS after contractions started, with Fiona, to get to 2cm!! I could stay at 2cm for another week or two.... So, that's no indication, either! *sigh*

So, that's my preggo update.

I'm hoping to get back into bellydancing after the baby is born, and the next session begins (late April or May)... I can't dance right now, no matter how bad I feel the desire. My body just tells me to go to hell and won't cooperate! lol It's quite hard listening to my bellydance music, and not moving my hips... Just a bit of a tangent... I'm listening to the stuff right now..........

I should go... The kids are being put to bed now. It's been a long day! Kieran's up at 5:30am w/o fail everyday! Fiona's up around 6:30am... Sleep? What's that?


Saturday, January 13, 2007

I'll Try To Keep It Sweet... No Promises!

What's new? Well, we've received another dump of snow from Mother Nature. If I hear another person tell me that they have no snow, or plus temperatures I'm going to smack them! :P We haven't seen grass since mid-October. I don't know how much we got the other day, but I'll post a picture and you can guestimate! It'd say about 5" or so... On the plus side, we've not been as cold as poor Winnipeg! I saw they were at -41C or something w/ the windchill... We didn't crack out of the -30's as far as I know... I see they're getting -42C tonight w/ the windchill. My sympathies go out to you (Christie, Cheryl, Steve and Alex!) The last 2 winters here in Edmonton were super. This one is making up for lost time.

I don't know how old Jason and I are going to be, when we get to sleep as late as we would like... especially on a weekend! Today, Jason had to go into work and teach 2 classes. Kieran, of course, was up at the usual 5:30am. Fiona was up by 6:45am! I went to bed early last night, but I don't think I slept for 2 consecutive hours! I was up every hour or so, tossing and turning. My skin has been intensely itchy lately. Some of you know, I suffer from some sort of seasonal skin itch. I've had it for over 6 yrs now, and it doesn't seem to matter what the climate is! However, since moving here, it starts a hell of a lot earlier... like summer! So, I seem to have it from late July until April or so? It's seeming to be less and less of a seasonal disorder. No Doctor seems to be able to tell me why it's happening. Prescription meds haven't helped, allergy meds don't work, and neither do itch creams or homeopathic remedies! I'm so frustrated. I actually have bruises from scratching and pinching my skin so hard to satiate the itch! So, that's what kept me up for most of last night- other than the usual frequent bathroom trips and uncomfortable roll-overs! Then, I had the kids up early... and Jason gone at work all day. I'm a wee bit grumpy... hence the title of this post!

I love my kids, I really do! But these exhausting behaviours of theirs are taking a toll on my lifeless body! I can't react quick enough to stop Kieran from throwing a toy at his sister... or to stop Fiona before she hits Kieran. Fiona's moved on to a whole new level of 'testing'. Her intelligence has become troublesome for me. She seems to know exactly what to say to push my buttons, and some days, it feels like I'm back on shift at the group home... Only this time, it's personal. This is MY child telling me that she doesn't love me, so it's hard to disassociate and to not personalize. I'm finding little comfort in the phrase "this too shall pass", as #3 is on it's way... and the only thought that runs through my mind like a freight train is "it's only going to get worse after the baby comes!" I'm not really looking for advice or comments like "oh I know... that's what kids do at that age". It doesn't make me feel any better. I'm just venting here- and perhaps, I've already said too much...

Time is going by so quickly, but so slow as well. I'm 2 weeks from my due date, and I'm so not prepared! I haven't packed bags... I haven't moved things from Kieran's old room to his new room (with Fiona). Then again, it's not like we've ever been terribly organized! lol

I'm going to post some pics of the kids... Here they are...

Thanks Lindsay & Ted for the cute little baby booties!

An aerial view of the kids... That's Fiona's "Lava Skirt" that Grandma made for her. SHe likes doing twirls with it on! :)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Pregnancy Update

I had another Dr appointment today. First off, I had to wait for over an hour past my appt time! It was pure madness! It's so frustrating to see women who are NOT pregnant, sitting in the chairs, while pregnant women stand b/c there are no seats available! So rude. Anyway... turns out my ultrasound last week revealed that my amniotic fluid is on the 'low end of normal'... So, I have to go for ANOTHER ultrasound next Tuesday. I also have to get a Non-Stress Test done that same day... both at the hospital. After those two tests are complete, I have to go to my Dr's office to discuss the results. If the fluid is low... the Dr said we'll have to discuss the possibility of being induced. Music to my ears.

I know some women dread and fear being induced. I, however, welcome the idea! This will allow me to make arrangements ahead of time for the kids to be taken care of, and for me to make it to the hospital (which is about 25 kms from our house)! I have been SO stressed about impending labour. Kieran was induced, and that went so well... Especially, since I only had Fiona's 40 hr labour to compare it to! So, it couldn't possibly have been any worse! lol

I'm now scrambling to figure out a plan for Tuesday. I have to be @ the hospital for 12:45pm. My first test is at 1pm, then the u/s is at 2pm. After that, I have to go to my Dr's office... probably around 3pm. So that's a good 4 hrs I'm going to need someone watching the kids! Ugh. It never ends. Jason's starting some new classes that day, and can't take off work. Bringing them with me isn't an option. SO divine intervention would be appreciated, if you're listening, God!

Beware of whiny complaints:
I'm SO sore. My back is really hurting, and I'm scared to rub it for fear of causing more pain or damage. It's different from my sciatica, but close to the same area and on the same side. What's really driving me bonkers, is the restless legs at bedtime! It's sooooo aggrivating!!! I need to get to sleep as fast as I can, so it doesn't have a chance to start and get me unfocused. Sleep is a different story. It isn't happening much at all... My carpal tunnel has been up and down today. As long as I let my hand rest for a while, it seems to settle down. Typing all this is probably going to set it off, though :(

Well, I am going to close off this post for now. I shall keep you all updated.


Friday, January 05, 2007

And the Beat Goes On....


Time is going by crazy fast. I'm starting to feel panicky and anxious about when the labour will come. Moreso, if I'm going to have someone to watch the kids. Jason's work is about 30 min from our house, plus, it's a good 20-25 min to the hospital on a good traffic day from where we live now! I haven't even begun to worry about the actual delivery. I'm mentally preparing myself for having to drive 2 miserable kids (who don't want to go anywhere), after having loaded them in the van... contractions coming... scrambling to find someone who's home to watch them... Then, meeting Jason AT the hospital! Ugh... the value of family close by! I hope to go in the night, on the weekend (when Jason isn't working), or after Feb 1... That way my MIL, Bobbie will be here, as she retires on Jan 31 of this year!! Stressful.

I'm really uncomfortable these days. My wrist is bothering me... good 'ol Carpal Tunnel. I shouldn't be typing really, but the splint helps with the pain. Somehow, it's easier on the laptop than the regular computer! The baby is moving lots still, and the poking and squirms are getting quite painful! Kieran and Fiona seem to think my belly is a launching pad and have little concern for the pain it causes their mother!

I had a 3rd ultrasound the other day, to confirm the baby's position. It's down, and hopefully it will stay there! I don't want a c-section. The baby weighs just short of 6lbs, according to measurements etc. The sex is not confirmed... but 2 of the 3 techs suspect it's a girl. That doesn't help us any. We're still struggling to chose a name, or at least agree on a spelling! The crib isn't together yet (as Kieran broke one of the spindels)... and I'm still awaiting the return of the infant clothes I gave away after Kieran outgrew them... Three weeks to go, and I feel very unprepared. I've just wrote out a list of numbers for when the time comes... I should have a bag packed... but that's not done yet either!

Well, that's the pregnancy update. I'm a whale. I'm sore. I'm frustrated. I'm tired... and the list goes on! lol


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Random Pictures...

This is a recent picture of myself... touched up with a hint of sepia to distract from the halo-like shadow around my head! lol

Jason's about to demolish the gingerbread house-- that was the plan, anyway. He only took off the back panel! He really did want to smash it with Kieran's hammer!!

The kids were out geocaching with Dad, again... This is the Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug, that Jason got free from Fiona's holding the travel bug, but there's a closer picture alongside the "support our troops" toque that we received from Jason's Aunt Elaine. Her son, Rod is in Afghanistan right now...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Winter Cache

Geocaching in the winter... Nothing holds these guys back!

Jason took the kids out for almost an entire day geocaching! He's been trying to reach his goal of 200 (I think) before the year 2006 was over... didn't quite make it, but not bad considering how busy life has been!

Blowing a bullrush/cattail....