Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Little Update

Not much new for posting.. but thought I should add something on here! Kieran's restless and fighting his nap... Fiona's watching Bob the Builder... so I have a few mins to post! I'm going to add some random pictures at the end of my post just so there's something colourful on here! :)

We're anxiously awaiting Jason's parents, as they are coming from Manitoba to visit this weekend. They'll be here til the 27th. So far, it's in the plan to have a hotel with waterslides so Fiona can enjoy some waterplay. On Monday, the plan is to go to Drumheller to check out all the cool dinosaur bones and unique landscape. Fiona's still really into dinosaurs, and would love to go where they were proved to have roamed!! Kieran and I will stay home, as I don't think he'll get much out of the trip at his age... It's about 2 hours from Edmonton. I know Fiona's also got a trip to West Edmonton Mall's Galaxy Land amusement park while they're here, too! Poor girl's been excited for what seems like forever!!

We did get a double stroller a few weeks ago... It's great for getting out with both kids, but Fiona does have a habit of wanting in and out of it! It will be handy when we go on long walks or to parks far away, and get caught in the rain (like we have had happen 2 times prior to the purchase)! Toys R Us had one that actually matched our infant carrier, but wasn't in any of the stores I went to... figured they must have discontinued that or something... So I got this blue one at Sears. Yesterday, I was at TRU in the west end, and low and behold! The brown and black stroller was there! Ugh.. had to walk away! lol

I'm 12 weeks along now, and seem to be past most of the nauseous feelings. However, headaches seem to be what ails me now. I just feel tired all the time, and all I want to do is crawl under the sheets and slip into a coma!! My pants are feeling a little snug, but it's more the discomfort from the tightness that's bothersome! I don't think I felt this sore from ligment pain last time around, but I'm pretty sure that's what the aches are! I'll have to ask my Dr, b/c I don't think I should be feeling it ALL the time.. only when I get up or sit down... Weird.

Well, enough of that... Here are a few pics.

<--Fiona with her "Rainbow Travel Bug"

Fiona fast asleep during her independant time....

<----Travel Bug skull

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