Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Basic Updates

Alright, it's been forever since my last post... So, I thought I would just update my blog... No pictures, no super exciting news... Just a regular, old fashioned post! :) Who knows how many people even read this blog anyway! But for my few friends/family that do... Here you go....

Since us Canadians really like talking about the weather for conversation... here's a local update! We have had extremely hot weather in Edmonton the past few weeks. However, the heat has finally broken and we're now below seasonal temperatures. We're expecting rain and possible thundershowers... Which should make Fiona happy. She loves lightening... and puddles. I see on the weather reports, that my in-laws in Manitoba are in for crazy hot & humid weather today!! Over 40C w/ the humidex... YUCK! My sympathies are with you...

As for the family... We're going fine. Fiona is still bursting with energy! When the weather is hot or rainy, it's hard to burn it off. She does enjoy playing in her room with either of us, or helping with things around the house... She's been getting out Geocaching with Jason lots. She really enjoys that. Her and Jason went to an Edmonton Geocaching gathering last night, at Boston Pizza. After that, they went for a cache. She really likes finding the cache before Jason does!!! :) Sometimes, being smaller is an advantage! :)

Kieran's a very busy boy!! He is into EVERYTHING! He likes to climb bookshelves, chairs, playpen walls... anything. He will actually move toys over to where he wants to climb, in attempt to get more height/leverage! I don't know how this boy's head is in one piece! lol The Dr. says he's fine, but he's his own worst enemy! lol Kieran's still 20.5lbs, and is not quite 31". He's been holding at that height for about 6 months... So, I guess he's stretching upwards. He'll be tall just like his dad and sister. Am I going to be the shortest in the family!? LOL

As for me... Well, I'm feeling better these days. The nausea has slowed down. I'm not feeling as tired as I was, but would still love a 2pm nap! lol I'm 11 weeks along, and almost out of the first trimester! Time is flying by quickly. January will be here before I know it... I won't be getting an ultrasound until September or so... but I'm really hoping to find out the sex of the baby. I started looking at names, but have moved off of that for now...

I've recently gotten into Stampin' Up! as my new hobby. I like that I can use it for scrapbooking as well as cards and gifts... It's really fun, and neat to see what you can make and do with ink and stamps! I've discovered that sometimes it's best to stick with the ideas in the catalogue, rather than to strike out on your own... lol They are a bit expensive, but you don't have to replace things like you do when you use stickers etc. for scrapbooking... Keep your eye out for Christmas cards this year!!! I will be stamping those, rather than buying them! :) A personal touch is always nice, too.

Speaking of home parties... Thanks to my friend Lisa... who sells Discovery Toys, I have been attending stamp parties and most recently, Pampered Chef. It's agrivating to see, with the Canadian dollar being so strong, that things are insanely more in Cdn dollars on their website, than the American prices! Some are a difference of $14!... Anyway... I've been to one of those parties before, but didn't buy anything... I went this time, knowing I wanted to get a baking stone! They are a bit pricy, but they are amazing to bake with. I know I sound like a consultant, but seriously, they don't burn your food! ;) I'm looking forward to baking cookies on it, and making potato wedges!! Yum. I'd love to get the pie plate, as I can only imagine how amazing my pumpkin pie would cook in there... but that will have to wait... I can't spend $40+ on a pie plate! Yowza. There are tons of things I'd love to get, but I'll just have to put together a shopping list for Christmas! lol I am planning to host a Pampered Chef party in Oct or Nov., as I'd love to get tons of free stuff and things for half price like Lisa did this week!!! Sadly, I'll have to borrow some of her friends, b/c I only have a few.... *sniff sniff*

Anyway, this post has gotten long enough. Since starting I've put Kieran down for a nap. He's finally dozed off after playing with his piano toy on the bed-frame! Fiona will need to be woken up... she went to bed after 10pm last night... after Geocaching with Dad! ;)

Zai Jian!


Mr. S said...

Hi Katrina,
That stamped card you sent me rocks! Love it!

swandive_pixie said...

Sorry it was late... I did have those done way back in June! lol Glad you liked it... i'll try to be more creative with the next ones :)