Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I've Joined the Working World...

At least part-time, anyway. I have been applying and looking for part-time work in the evenings and on weekends, so I can get out and mingle with adults and earn some extra cash. It was challenging to find something that I could start at 6pm on weeknights. Not to mention, I was feeling out of touch with the world of paid work, and insecure about my abilities as a skilled worker.

My friend, Erin, had been mentioning for years that she could get me a job at the Winspear where she works. I was reluctant to do that b/c I didn't want to suck at the job and look like an idiot in front of someone I know, or make her look bad for hiring me on! I was intimidated by the uniform, too. It's something I've hated about every job I've had, where I must wear a uniform... which is almost all of them. I dread telling them the size I require, or better yet- being measured to fit a uniform... Which is what I had to do for this job. I have to wear a black tux shirt, black tux pants (mens with pleats) and a formal vest with a tie!

Aside from the uniform, I am loving the job. There are perks, for sure! Last night, for example, I was paid to usher the Ani Difranco concert!! Instead of paying $50 for a ticket, I made $50 and still got to see the show! ... Which was awesome, by the way!! I got to see Jann Arden & Serena Ryder perform at the Intl. Leonard Cohen Festival last week... If I wasn't going away this upcoming weekend, I'd be seeing Weird Al!

I'm really enjoying the work. I'm looking forward to working, I am in a good mood when I come home. I am loving working!! It's nice to feel like something more than a nanny, maid, cook and a baby-machine. "I have a brain and a uterus, and I use both"


Katy said...

That's awesome Katrina!!

I did the same job at the Jack Singer Concert Hall in Calgary and I also enjoyed it. The only thing was we had to stand through the entire performances. I also worked the bar and had to pour fancy scotch for the old guys. Eventually was fired for being late three times - they had a strict policy.

I'm glad you're getting out!

swandive_pixie said...

Yes, I tend to stand through the whole thing, especially big shows like Ani, b/c you can't catch picture takers sitting in the usher chair! Last night, my feet hurt so bad (I just started wearing orthotics)!! But I had a great spot to watch and listen to the show!