Saturday, July 05, 2008

Appropriate for kids??

Are we too protective of our kids these days? I know this song wasn't inappropriate at all when I were young. Now, when I hear my kids sing it.. it bothers me!! Maybe b/c even though, they're calling out a bad behaviour... it's laced with teasing.

I must say though--- the DANCE is a little too freaky for me!! I was shocked when I watched this episode with the older 2 on Treehouse last night!! He's gyrating and thrusting his pelvis!! Ewwwww!!!

1 comment:

Katy said...

Hi Katrina,

I don't have a problem with the hip gyrating - I consider it a normal human expression. Yes even on a children's show.

But what I find unsettling is the subtle way they link sexual expression (wild dancing, gyrating, dance music) to bad behaviour such as lying in this video!! It bothers me that our society presents sexual expression as 'bad'. There HAS to be room to fully express ourselves, without hurting one another, in all ways human: smiling, crying laughing, singing and yes even feeling sexy!

As for whether the song is appropriate, well definitely times have changed. I feel kids are more desensitized than we were in the 70's. They've already seen and heard and absorbed so much more than we had, that this song is no longer as 'scandalous'. Even if we as parents hold our hands tight over our kids ears, burn our tv's and homeschool, our kids will still in some way hear and see things that astound us and scare us. These are dark times in human history. We are lost in our capitalist nightmare, we are stumbling through bloody religious warfare that has no end, but in some ways we are more enlightened as a, the arts, spirituality, there are some good things here.