Sunday, October 15, 2006

Possible Home Purchase

We have an accepted, but pending offer on a townhouse in the NE end of the city... It's been accepted, but the seller has stated a condition that it's subject to her lawyer's approval. The lawyer is also her boss! Weird, but whatever. I don't see how it could be a problem, unless they're stalling to make sure a higher offer doesn't come through. We offered the asking price, and only stated financing and reviewal of condo doccuments as our conditions! It's not uncommon for houses in Edmonton to sell for WELL above the asking price. For example, a condo that we looked at last week was listed for $189,900, and sold for for $221,000! The condo reserve was last reported to be at a defecit, too! Crazy.

We will know by 4pm tomorrow evening if the townhouse will be ours. If it falls through, we'll be bidding on a different townhouse, in a more ideal location (for Jason's commute). The one we've got an offer pending on is for $195,000.

This is the view from both the front, and the back. The back yard faces onto a HUGE park area with sports fields and a few schools nearby!

Fingers crossed.

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