Thursday, October 26, 2006

Crazy Few Weeks!

My posts have dropped off considerably! We've been very busy the past few weeks! My mother came to visit from New Brunswick on October 8, in time for Thanksgiving. So, we hosted Thanksgiving supper at our house. That was the first day I started feeling terrible. I got some sort of cold or flu. Not that it matters which, because I couldn't take medicine to help me feel better! I didn't have a bacterial infection, so no prescription for me :( That cold lasted for TWO WHOLE WEEKS!! It was great having my mother here to help me out, as I was a total mess. Jason was super busy the first week she was here, with the ATESL conference, so we barely saw one another. It's a miracle no one got what I had! On the other hand, it was sucky that I was so sick during the time my mum was here. I had hoped to get more done around the house, and to get out more with her and the kids! *sigh* Oh well... Mum's off to Calgary now, to visit with my 2 brothers who live there. Mum is taking the boys to Banff today... they get to stay at the Banff Springs Hotel, since James works for Delta, he gets a super cheap rate!! Lucky buggars... Here's a pic of the hotel- no airbrushing folks, Banff really is that scenic!

I had another visitor recently as well. One of my best friends from highschool, came to visit from Toronto! Sarah had a conference in Banff. How nice is that?! Is was great getting to spend time with her. I hadn't seen her since Fiona was 18mos! Insane. We spent the WHOLE of Saturday at West Edmonton Mall, as she's never been there or to Edmonton! The mall itself spans 48 city blocks, and is the largest shopping centre in the WORLD! There's an amusement park, sea lion shows, huge water park etc... That was exhausting- but fun ;)

We're in the process of trying to clean the house for viewings (possible renters), and packing things up that we don't need for the next month or so. It's going to be a big chore! Hopefully, we can recruit my brother from Calgary to help Jason move furniture! I will be of no use in that department! I'm already 26 wks along, and boy am I feeling it these days!

Well... I should try to get some packing done while Kieran is napping! Thought I'd update everyone on what we've been up to!

Take care!

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