Saturday, February 18, 2006

My kids...

Open up and say "Ahhhhhh"....

Fiona and Kieran really do love playing together... I just know that Kieran's itching to catch up, so he can horse around with the best of them. Fiona's showing him just how to do it, when he can!! I took Kieran to a friend's house, and she has a 3 month old baby. He kept pulling up on the couch, and reaching for her ears (and managed to get hold of them once, giving them a good tug)! Yep, seems I have 2 rugrats! lol

Fiona really is patient with Kieran, and as much as she'd love to toss him to the floor and play hard- she is considerate and shares really well!

Today was mostly an indoors day, since it was about -25C w/ the windchill factored in. Now, I know, that Manitoba and Saskatchewan had it worse... I'm told that Killarney was sitting at balmy -48C w/ windchill!! OUCH.

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