Tuesday, February 21, 2006


*sigh* I saw these pictures today & thought... "when did she grow so much!?"...

This was taken in Saskatchewan, aka, "The Gap". We stopped for a snack, and pee break at a small gas station. I remember not wanting to go in, b/c it seemed we would stick out like a sore thumb... small town and all. Think smaller than Dog River! Anyway, this was our trek to MB before Kieran was born.

Here's Fiona 2 yrs ago... Jan/04!
15 mos. old.

May/04 @ 17 mos. old.

She still looks like this when she zones out, watching TV! lol

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Saturday adventures

Today, Fiona and I went to a baby shower. She was soo good while we were there. There wasn't a lot of space, and all the kids were all younger than her-- she handled it all pretty well. She seemed to have a good time, and even wore a dress and her shiny black shoes! :) All on her own accord! Before we went to the shower, we had to go back to the hairdresser's to get her hair fixed. The woman who cut it on Tuesday, doesn't know what a straight line is. The back was all choppy and her bangs weren't straight. I could have done a better job, and I think I cut her hair next time. After the haircut, we walked through the mall. Fiona wanted to try shoes on in Payless-- at least she's got a willbit of her mother in her! Then we were off to find her new vitamins. I promised she could pick out the next ones, as long as they had all the right things in it! lol And NO gummies! She chose Arthur, although Caillou was her first choice (she's never watched the show, but plays the games on the website). Usually, I attend belly dancing classes on Saturdays. However, they were cancelled b/c of the holiday on Monday. In Alberta, it's called "Family Day". I'm pretty sure it's just a civic holiday everywhere else. There are lots of things to do in the city. Last year, the buses ran for one adult fare for a whole family. We went downtown and took in the festivities. Not sure we'll partake this year. It gets so crowded, and the weather has been somewhat chilly... I know, not nearly as cold as Manitoba! :) Once again, I'm up much later than I should be! Kieran took a while to get to sleep tonight, and he's already woken once from restlessness. I made rice pudding from scratch- and man, it is delicious! Thanks Mum for that recipe book from that church in Sudbury! Off to bed...

My kids...

Open up and say "Ahhhhhh"....

Fiona and Kieran really do love playing together... I just know that Kieran's itching to catch up, so he can horse around with the best of them. Fiona's showing him just how to do it, when he can!! I took Kieran to a friend's house, and she has a 3 month old baby. He kept pulling up on the couch, and reaching for her ears (and managed to get hold of them once, giving them a good tug)! Yep, seems I have 2 rugrats! lol

Fiona really is patient with Kieran, and as much as she'd love to toss him to the floor and play hard- she is considerate and shares really well!

Today was mostly an indoors day, since it was about -25C w/ the windchill factored in. Now, I know, that Manitoba and Saskatchewan had it worse... I'm told that Killarney was sitting at balmy -48C w/ windchill!! OUCH.

Friday, February 17, 2006

The Bump Blog

The Bump Blog

Up to the minute news on Geneviève... btw, to get that accent (accent grave), it's ctrl 138!! :)

Here I Am!

Well, I've finally joined the ranks of the technilogically inclined! So many people were creating their own blogs... so of course, peer pressure took it's toll!

I struggled with a title for my blog (which wasn't already taken)! So, I turned to the lyrics of my favourite songwriter... A select few might guess who, and even where my blog title came from. The photo is somewhat of a clue...

I'm up way later than I should be. It's amazing how much time you can spend on the computer without knowing it! Kieran still isn't sleeping through the night, so I should be catching some winks... He'll be 9 mos. on the 26th of February. The time is going way too fast.

We have a trip planned for New Brunswick!!! We leave Edmonton on Apr 20 and come back on May 4. We're really excited to visit family and some old friends that we haven't seen in ages!!! This is how we decided to spend our "Prosperity Cheques". The government gave everyone in the province $400 each out of the surplus. Even that wasn't quite enough to cover the trip... and we got a deal. The flight costs in this country are pure extortion!

After we come back from NB, we have a few weeks to regroup, then we leave for Manitoba to attend Clint's wedding (Jason's brother). On the road again...

So this is my first post... I'll try to keep up with this page and fill everyone in on what's going on in my life and the rest of the Fleming clan (in Alberta)! Enjoy!
