Sunday, June 29, 2008

July 1 {Canada Day} OH CANADA!


I really do love living here.

Leonard Cohen - Chelsea Hotel#2

No tribute to Canadian music is complete without acknowledging Leonard Cohen. I love this song, but it's not my absolute favourite. I love listening to Jason play "Famous Blue Raincoat" and "Suzanne". Great songs.

If Rosheen had been a boy, her name was going to be Cohen ;) True.

Tokyo Police Club- Your English Is Good

LOVE LOVE LOVE this song... Great hidden gem from Toronto... Although, they are increasing in popularity!!

Feist - My Moon My Man

Ok, everyone these days knows who Feist is, after having her "1, 2, 3, 4" song on the iPod commercial. I'm happy for her success, but now I can't afford to see her at Rexall Place! She used to be attainable.

I love this song, and really dig the video!! Feist is from right here in Alberta! :)

Sarah McLachlin- World On Fire

Great message in this video. I was going to pick a different song to post, but liked that this one had something interesting to show. The first song I ever heard from Sarah was "Vox" back in 1989!! Man, I'm old.

I was

Sam Roberts - Them Kids

Love Sam Roberts. They're from Montreal.

The Darkest One- Tragically Hip (CAUTION- multiple use of F-word in beginning)!

Another great Canadian Band... Listening to these guys bring back some great memories!! Not to mention our classy Trailer Park Boys!! lol Man, I love that show. Seriously... It's Canada's birthday on Tuesday, so I'm saluting our many wonderful bands, making awesome music!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Time Capsule

Found this on our YouTube account... my God, he's grown!! lol

Barenaked Ladies Kids CD

This is yet another Canadian band... called the Barenaked Ladies... Hopefully you've heard at least one song by them, Julie! lol Anyway... this is from their kids cd that they just put out, called "Snacktime". My kids LOVE it... start to finish!! I really recommend this cd for all of you out there, starving for some tunes that keep the kids amused and you free of annoyance!!! Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wooo! Results Show! Martin's performance!

Ci7 EP8 Top24 Results Part1
Uploaded by igrecman

In case this is the first post you're reading on the matter of Canadian Idol... It's not that I'm a fan of the show... We're watching this year to support a good friend of ours who is a member of our Baha'i Community here in Edmonton... His name is Martin Kerr... the guy with the red hair. He's got amazing talent and a wonderful voice!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Martin on Canadian Idol last night!!!

Ci6 EP6 Top24 Day1 Part2
Uploaded by igrecman

This is from Canadian Idol, which aired last night!! Martin rocked that song!! I'm so excited for him. I phoned in and voted at least 100 times last night!!

Now you can enjoy from Florida, Julie! Do you know the song he's singing?? Have you heard it before?

The host, Ben Mulroney, is the son of one of our former Prime Ministers, Brian Mulroney. He was the PM for most of my childhood! Can't say he was a favourite in Canada. Apparently, he was involved in some hefty scandals!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Martin Kerr- performing Blackbird and Yellow

This is a very recent performance of Martin Kerr, playing in China. I love the song "Yellow" by Coldplay! He was just there recording a kids' virtues CD in both Mandarin and English!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Canadian Idol Group Audition - Have You Ever Seen The Rain

This is a video clip of Martin singing with some of the other contestants... He's the one with the red hair.

You can watch him perform on Canadian Idol, on CTV tomorrow night at 8pm! Tune in and vote.

Our Friend Martin Will be on Canadian Idol!

[Yes, Julie... we DO have a Canadian Version of Idol!! lol]

Ok, for YEARS I have been ragging on my mother for watching this show. She's addicted to Canadian Idol, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars etc. Come to think of it.... back in the 80's, she was addicted to Star Search, too!! lol I normally don't watch Canadian Idol, but this summer, I will be!!! A friend of ours, who is one of the Baha'i's in our community is ONE OF THE TOP 24 CONTESTANTS for Canadian Idol!!

His name is Martin Kerr. You can view his page on the Canadian Idol website HERE.

He also has his own website: Martin Kerr Music

Have a listen to his songs on CDBaby

Of course, I had to tell my mother right away, that he had been selected, so she could actually phone in to vote for him. It took her a few minutes to remember that she had actually seen/met him briefly while visiting Edmonton back in 2005. I remember this, b/c we had gone to the Strathcona Martet with my family, and we purchased a sling at a children's store across the street... Along the way, we saw Martin busking outside the Strathcona Market, as seen here...That's Fiona sitting on the curb, having a listen to Martin's beautiful voice and guitar playing! Martin's between those trees...

I am doing my best to spread the word, so that people watch and vote (for him of course)!! Martin's been making music for years. He's even got a few cd's out, and just returned from China where he recorded another cd!

Good luck, Martin! We're all rooting for you here in Edmonton (and my mother will be cheering you on from New Brunswick, too)!!

Martin Kerr on MySpace

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I don't know what it is... but lately, I've been feeling so OLD and out of touch. Uncool. Very uncool. I feel like I need to tell people, "you know.. I wasn't always like this!" lol Once upon a time, I was fashionable (by my standards, anyway! lol). I knew what music was in, and I had rhythm. Has anyone else lost their groove since getting older-- especially, after having kids?!! Even after having Fiona, I could still bust a move and shake the junk in my trunk! ... When I first started bellydancing, I was quite good at it. I loved it. I felt sexy, even! After having my third and LAST baby... I seemed to have lost my ability to dance. I couldn't get myself coordinated like I was before. I was so sad. I felt like I had just gone shopping for bathing suits! Depressing. It's not that I can't dance at all... when I get the chance. I still have trouble staying still when a good tune hits my ears. I'm just not cool anymore, when doing so. I'm saying things that I remember my parents saying, when commenting about the youth of today... like "pull up your pants idiot!"... Seriously, though... what the hell is up with those freakin' pants that are super tight, hang off the ass and barely anyone seems to be able to pull it off!!... the look that is!!

I'm such a geezer.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


(^youtube video link)

by Ani Difranco

lately i've been glaring into mirrors
picking myself apart
you'd think at my age i'd of thought
of something better to do
than making insecurity into a full-time job
making insecurity into art
and i fear my life will be over
and i will have never lived unfettered
always glaring into mirrors
mad i don't look better

but now here is this tiny baby
and they say she looks just like me
and she is smiling at me
with that present infant glee
and yes i will defend
to the ends of the earth
her perfect right to be

so i'm beginning to see some problems
with the ongoing work of my mind
and i've got myself a new mantra
it says: "don't forget to have a good time"
don't let the sellers of stuff power enough
to rob you of your grace
love is all over the place

there's nothing wrong with your face
love is all over the place
there's nothing wrong with your face

lately i've been glaring into mirrors
picking myself apart

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Erin and I took the kids to see Kung Fu Panda on the weekend!! It was HILARIOUS, FABULOUS, WICKED-AWESOME!

Kieran, Dakota & Fiona ready for the show!


"There is no charge for awesomeness!"

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Mmmm Ice Cream Popsicles!!

No explanation necessary!

Rosheen, hoping for more...

Good to the last lick!!

Fun in the Yard

Cheap fun! Jason pulled out our winter tires from the basement as a "New Toy"!

Fiona is SO graceful!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Mammoth Moth!!

The kids found this poor little moth in our backyard today! I just kept saying "ooh.. that's nice" and continued visiting with Fiona's friend's mum... Then Kieran took me out to see it, as he said it was "bleeding"... Hmm... a bleeding moth, eh?? Sure enough, he was injured. His back had a scrape on it, and while he died slowly in that pan... many little ants crawled on his back and wings... Disgusting. R.I.P Fuzzy...

I must add that I hate moths. I wouldn't even touch the pan to move it somewhere safe... I left it for Jason to deal with!! lol Poor thing. It started moving when I went to pick the pan up so I said forget it!! *shivers*