Thursday, May 08, 2008

Manitoba Roadtrip so far... Mostly Killarney visiting Uncle Clint & Aunt Nicole...

Here are a few pictures of our trip in Manitoba, so far... We have spent most of this week visiting Jason's brother, Clint & his wife Nicole. These pictures were taken during our time in Killarney and Boissevain, Manitoba!

Hiking along the PRFA (Prairie Farmer's Rehabilitation Assoc.) trail... whew... that's a mouthful! Jason later planted a night cache with Clint once the kids were in bed... Poor Clint forgot his gun and missed out on getting himself a nice big turkey!! Seriously. This is Manitoba.

Fiona showing us her freaky moves with the skipping rope!!

Fiona LOVED riding the horse at Uncle Clint & Aunt Nicole's house!!

Kieran on the horse

Rosheen riding the horse at Uncle Clint's
The Blixhavn cabin outside of Killarney, MB (about a mile from the US border)

The pretend snowmobile!

Kieran peeking across the US/Canada border! Jason and Kieran continued on the hike searching for the survey markers...

My little beaver...
Turtle's Back Trail at the lookout tower... muscling with Uncle Clint!

Me, Fiona & Kieran... Rosheen was napping in the van!

Self explanatory!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like such a fun trip! Must have been nice to get away for a while and go exploring. I just can't believe how big all the kids are getting. And you look FIERCE Katrina!! :)