Friday, May 23, 2008

The Voyage Home- a little late.. but here it is!

Here's a visual record of our trip back from Manitoba. It's not in order, as I find posting pictures on here to be a big pain in the ASS! I also had more pics I wanted to add, but our computer completed crapped out and Jason just got us back on the board today!! Way to go, babe! Mwah!

Fiona & Kieran with a lovely bison at a Tourist Info Centre in The Battlefords, SK.

Jason's reassuring Fiona that the bees are in fact more interested in that tree than her!

The travel bug Jason picked up at our first cache of the day... he's hitching a ride across the prairies!

We found it!! First cache of the day at a Tourist Info centre near the MB/SK border.

It was very windy throughout the day- everywhere it seemed!!

A geocache in rural Saskatchewan a the Condie Nature Refuge... family picture!

Fiona & Kieran near a beaver-chomped log!

The hotel we stayed at... Very big disappointment! It's called a Mineral Spa Hotel.. nothing Spa about it! The service was crap, and the heat was on full blast when it was 25C outside! We were not impressed. The staff didn't seem to care, so I reviewed the hotel online!!

Fiona & Kieran playing in the salt water of Lake Manitou!

The burger joint, where you can buy a hamburger for a steal at $8! Rip off! We opted for Mennonite home cooking down the road!

The science behind the lake...

The view from our room...

Somewhere between Lloydminster and Vermillion! Geocaching, of course!
Same cache as above...

Watrous, Saskatchewan at sunset- the main drag!! lol

Sunset on Manitou Beach. The view was like nothing I've seen- massive rays busting from the horizon!!

Our van posing with the sign for Manitou Beach!!

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