Saturday, March 08, 2008

Glorious Spring Weather and Geocaching

The kids with their caching finds, at the most Northern entrance into Edmonton!

Fiona and Kieran trailing behind Jason, looking for a cache in the uber muddy trail!! This was one of the Winter '08 Cache & Release (CAR08), caches. They are activated on at 6pm Friday evening, and the event ends Saturday (tonight) around 5pm, I think? All the cachers meet up, and get prizes for the most caches found, most FTF's (First to Find) etc.

The big puddle on the trail behind our house!! Kieran had a blast playing here for a very long time!! Jason took a great video, that is too big to post here. I'll have to put it on YouTube or Google Video...

1 comment:

Katy said...

A fantastic photo with Fiona running in the foreground, hair's a mommy question, how do you dress Kieran so he doesn't get water in his boots? What's your secret?