Saturday, September 19, 2009

Leaves are turning... but the sky's not grey!

So it's be eons since I've posted on here. I figured since there isn't much of anything do do on this computer, and Jason is busy slaying zombies ... I could update my blog!

We are settling into the new house. Everything is pretty well unpacked. Bert & Bobbie are bringing some furniture out on their next trip to Alberta, which will help fill some empty spots! Hopefully, it'll eliminate the echo in the front room (which is currently empty)! The neighbourhood is great, as are the neighbours. We're in a quiet cul de sac, which is great for the kids to ride around on their bikes!

Fiona's loving her new school, and likes her teacher. Ms Hankinson has repeatedly told me how great Fiona is doing, and that her participation is fabulous. She's one smart cookie! She's made some friends at school, and has a girl down the road that she plays with often! I love that she can walk to her friend's house, on her own, and I don't need to worry about her! I just ask her to call when she arrives, and come straight back if no one is home! In the mornings, Fiona walks to school with a boy in her class and his big sister, who is 13. SO helpful. I'm thinking we might lure her in for a babysitting gig!! Fiona's getting a nice sense of independence with these extra freedoms. She's already asking for a cell phone. Great.

Kieran has started pre-school at a place called Tiny Feats. He loves, loves, loves it! I'm so proud of him. He wasn't shy or nervous in the slightest. Off he went, as the engine of the train, into class, with a big hug and kiss for mummy! So sweet. He's doing really well, and his teacher has nothing but wonderful things to say. No timeouts! Yeah!

Rosheen is still home with me, but she'll be in pre-school next year, when Kieran starts kindergarten (WOAH)! That girl has a spirit all her own! She is definitely in the throws of the terrible twos... However, she is at such a fun stage, and this being #3, I know to enjoy it while it lasts.

I've made a friend! Well, maybe a couple. Back in July, I met a woman and her children at the Rotary park in Stony Plain. She is from Japan, and her husband is here on a 2 yr job. He's an engineer. Miki has 3 kids, and one on the way. It's been really nice visiting with her and her children! Kieran has 2 boys to play with, and Rosheen plays with her daughter, Mai, when she feels so inclined! LOL The other person I've met, is a woman named Krisitta. She is a Baha'i here in Stony Plain, and she has 2 children. She has a girl, 4 and a boy, 6. They came over last Sunday and the kids all played so well together! It's nice having so much space, that we can have 6 kids and 3 adults... and not have it feel cramped!! Life is good.

Our townhouse in NE Edmonton is occupado! We have great tenants. We were worried we would have that place sitting empty for a few months, since the interest was pretty low! However, all at once we had 3 people wanting to see it, and 2 asking to move in! We've lucked into having a nice, responsible couple in their late 40's. They foster kids ages 0-5. I stopped by today to pick up their rent cheques, and it was interesting seeing someone else living in my house... with their things... and their smells. At the same time, I felt little attachment to the house, and was happy to be leaving for MY house :)

My parents are coming for a visit this Monday! They'll be here until Oct 8. This means Jason and I get to go out for a date on our anniversary! PLUS, we're going to Banff sans kids for a weekend, as Jason has an ATESL conference to attend. So excited for that. The kids (and me) are so excited for Grammie and Grampie to come out. Fiona's been telling her teacher and friends at school. I think she'll be quite distracted on Monday, as we are picking them up at the airport right after school. :)

Almost forgot! Jason is now the acting manager of the Training Department! I'm so proud of him! Perhaps it will turn into something more permanent, and the adjective "acting" will disappear :)

As for me-- not much is new in my personal progress! I had to leave the Winspear, with great sadness. I miss the fabulous people I worked with. I had a lot of fun at that job. I really got to feel like Katrina, and not so-and-so's mother, or Jason's wife. However, it wasn't realistic to keep on there, now that we're out in Stony Plain. It'd be about a 45-50 min drive into downtown Edmonton, and I'd be burning up my pay in gas costs. So for now, I'm still working at MacEwan College every few weeks, as an IELTS invigilator. The pay is great, and the experience is great, also.

Well--- that's it for now... I'm not going to bother posting pictures. If you want to see some, check out my FB profile! :)

So long for now!


Stiffmaester said...

Your blog layout and colors are really nice.

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