Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fall Festival!

Our community league and some local churches helped to put on the Fall Festival in our neighbourhood. There were bouncy castles, an inflated obstacle course, hoola hoops, potato sack races, popcorn and cotton candy, colouring, bubble blowing, woodwork crafts, face painting and a petting zoo... all for FREE!

Kieran petting a furry rabbit!

Fiona and the Zebu!

Face painting!! Kieran, Fiona & Sajia (Fiona's friend)

They even had a wood craft area- Fiona made a car with wood, and juice can lids!

Kieran's car

Kieran and the Zebu!

Fiona petting the chicken... the killer duck is behind her on the right. It bit her bottom lip!!

Bouncy castles and slides!!

The race is on!
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Anonymous said...

Wow! That looks like so much fun! I wish we had something like that here!

swandive_pixie said...

I've never lived somewhere where the communities (neighbourhood sections) had their own centre, and league! They organize the sports teams etc., and do community funtions! We happen to live RIGHT behind ours... so that was even better! There's a lot of things I like about Edmonton, even though lately, I've been complaining! :)