Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The State That I Am In

{As usual... most of what I say has a musical reference. So does the title of this blog post}

So, I finally have hold of the computer. Free of whining and/or screaming kids... for as long as I wish... Assuming that I'm willing to (quite literally) lose sleep over it. You see, it's almost 11pm... scratch that. It IS 11pm. I hear Rosheen crying- Jason's upstairs, so hopefully that will suffice!

I'm at a loss for what to put on here. I wish my blog was fancy like Julie's. I'm afraid I don't have the skills or the time to make that happen for mine :( I had a hard enough time putting links on the side. Thank you, Julie. I just loaded your blog to get the address to link it... and noticed some movies you have watched. I'm in the process of acquiring "The Last King of Scotland" now! :)

Movies! That's it!

I recently saw Juno. Fabulous. Right away I thought CANADIAN! The Juno Awards, right? Well, sort of... not all the way Canadian. The director is from Canada, but had to go to the States to make it big. WTF is that? Some of the actors are Canadian... the main guy in Juno was also in Superbad (another hilarious film!) Anyway... The movie is great! Hilarious!! You laugh, you cry... Not to mention great soundtrack. Belle & Sebastian songs are always a good indicator of a good movie!!

I just watched The Kingdom, with Jamie Foxx. Not bad, but not great, either. The ending was interesting. Not a very thought provoking movie to say the least. Syriana was much better for that.

The Kite Runner was, of course, not as good as the book... but a great story nonetheless.

I watched The Assination of Jesse James. Honestly, other than the fact that I enjoy historical based stories... I watched this movie solely b/c it was filmed here in Edmonton and around Alberta! I loved recognizing backgrounds from Ft. Edmonton!! lol The movie was long and drawn out, but had a decent storyline.

A real favourite of mine that I mentioned on another post, was Into The Wild. It captivated me for weeks. I love the soundtrack (which is completely done by Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder). One thought that brought me to tears during and after the film, was thinking "what if one of my kids took off... and wanted nothing to do with me or anyone in our family?... just dropped of the map and disappeared???". Scary. Fabulous and amazing movie. I really, really recommend watching it.

I'm in the process of watching Little Miss Sunshine. So far, it's quite good! Hilarious, yet deep on some levels! I love independant films that surface at film festivals. Not a fan of the big Hollywood Blockbusters. Although, major movie/tv studios like Fox are catching on to this and have sub-group studios like Fox Searchlight. Seems most of my movies that I like are by them! Hmm. I'll have to look for movie acquisition ideas!! :)

After having said I am not into the blockbusters... I hate to admit that I really liked Die Hard 4!! LOL

Ok, it's now past 11:30pm... I need sleep. Today was a horribly long and arduous day. Kieran, bless his little heart, nearly drove me to the brink of insanity after breaking 3 glass shelves in a card store today!! He can't keep his hands off anything, and he got a bit too curious as to how those shelves attatched to the brackets.... Not so good. At least they were empty. That's another store I won't be returning to. Ever!

So... ta ta for now!! :) It's past my bedtime... Until next time mon amis!

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