Friday, February 08, 2008

The weenie/marshmallow Roast!

Jason prepping the fire!

Jason helping Kieran get that hot-dog roasted up just right!

Fiona's hotdog is gone! Hot chocolate in the thermos! Yum!
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Anonymous said...

Holy Mother of cold! That's a lot of winter gear everyone has on! We actually got to shut our air conditioning off yesterday because it cooled down a bit! :)

swandive_pixie said...

Hell yes! It was -41C w/ the windchill again, yesterday! The day we were out was about -20C. I have only in my life, suffered through 2 winters like this. The first was in Manitoba (03/04). I couldn't believe that -50C (w/ windchill) was to be endured by the human body!! LOL Last week was bad- we got to -48 w/ WC and -39 w/o)!! Brrrrr

swandive_pixie said...

So much for global warming! LOL