Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rosheen's First Birthday!

Rosheen turned 1 on January 23! I can't believe it's already been a year since she was born. Even after having 3 kids, I still can't believe how fast the time goes. Rosheen is walking now- even trying to say things. She's got Mama & Dada down pat, and even points to us when she's shouting our names at the top of her lungs! lol Jason's parents were here this past week for her birthday. They just left yesterday morning and are now home in Manitoba. Bobbie, Jason's mum, also celebrated her birthday this week! I'll keep the # a secret ;) Here are some pictures from Rosheen's birthday!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Rosheen! Give Mummy hell your second year! :)

Katy said...

ah no don't do that!

Happy Birthday sweet one!