Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Fiona's First Day at School

Yesterday was Fiona's first day at school. Well, technically, it was an orientation day! Friday is the first full (or half) day without parents present. Fiona loved it. She had loads of fun and is excited to go back on Friday. I never had any worries about how she would do on her first day. Maybe, that's why I wasn't that emotional about it. I knew, and know that she is ready for this step. She's always been a very social girl, who loves to meet new friends and try new things. I hope she hangs on to this forever, and stands her ground as a strong female. My brain is already rushing ahead to high school, and praying that she marches to her own beat and doesn't get sucked into all the negative behaviours of peers around her. Perhaps, this fear is a result of working in group homes for several years. I have to remember: Not ALL teenagers are up to something mischievous! :)

Here are some photos from her first day...


Katy said...

awwwww! congrats to Fiona!

Katrina, with conscious and intelligent parents like you and Jason, Fiona's going to do great!!

What a special day - so nice that Daddy could take her to school.

Anonymous said...

She looks great Katrina! So grown up and ready to take on the world. I wish you'd post pics of the other two kiddo's too! Thanks for sharing! I hope school is going well so far?