Saturday, May 12, 2007

Original Azize - Bellydance-1955

This is traditional bellydancing... she's got some great moves!


Anonymous said...

Wowzers! Wish I could move my hips like that! Have you taken any classes lately?

swandive_pixie said...

I'm taking a class right now.. I seem to be less groovy than before! I feel like I've lost my rhythm, and my back is bothering since having Rosheen... so it's been difficult. I'm keeping at it, though! :) We're practising a routine now, which I like, b.c it puts all the moves together ;)

christy said...

Awesome, I love bellydance! I bought a hip scarf the last time I was in Brandon of all places! I haven't taken any classes lately though, 'cause the teacher I liked moved to BC.