Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Chopping the Locks

Alright... I need to enlist the help of friends and family. I'm going to chop off my long hair, and go to a medium or almost short length. My only requirement is that I'm able to pull it back somehow if I'm unable to style it someday (hahah, most days)!! I'm sick of Kieran making bird nests in my hair, and trying to encourage dreadlocks!! UGH My hair has never been so unkept, natty and lifeless. On top of that, I'm need of a drastic change. Since I can't afford lyposuction, a haircut seems to be the natural choice! ;)

I'm thinking something like what Victoria Beckham has... I know I'm not a size 0, nor is my face oval. But I'd make the length longer, to suit my round face.

I don't want clippers used, so I think I'd make the shortest part at the nape of my neck and have the angled longer part resting on my chest.

Thoughts? Suggestions?? Email them to me!! Please!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute! I am thinking of letting my hair grow out a bit. I hate getting my neck shaved. I tell my hair lady every time not to cut it shorter than my hairline and she still feels the need to shave it anyway... ! Make sure you post pictures when you get it done.