Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Some new pictures

The kids' Ayyam-I-Ha gift from Mum & Dad...

Kieran's been feeling a little under the weather. He laid like this yesterday for over an hour!

Rosheen after a bath last week.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Chopping the Locks

Alright... I need to enlist the help of friends and family. I'm going to chop off my long hair, and go to a medium or almost short length. My only requirement is that I'm able to pull it back somehow if I'm unable to style it someday (hahah, most days)!! I'm sick of Kieran making bird nests in my hair, and trying to encourage dreadlocks!! UGH My hair has never been so unkept, natty and lifeless. On top of that, I'm need of a drastic change. Since I can't afford lyposuction, a haircut seems to be the natural choice! ;)

I'm thinking something like what Victoria Beckham has... I know I'm not a size 0, nor is my face oval. But I'd make the length longer, to suit my round face.

I don't want clippers used, so I think I'd make the shortest part at the nape of my neck and have the angled longer part resting on my chest.

Thoughts? Suggestions?? Email them to me!! Please!


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Jason's "non-reno" work

Few of you have seen our kitchen, and the dumb rectangular cut-out between the kitchen and dining area! You couldn't see out to the living room area, which was a big problem supervising the kids! Plus, the sound echoed in the dining area, and the lighting was limited (no natural sunlight from the front kitchen window, which faces south)!! So, one day, Jason took a hammer to the wall, with the help of the kids! The plan is to eventually smash out that whole wall, and the side wall which divides the dining area and the hallway. Perhaps an island where the cabinets are now, that divide the two areas... I can't wait to renovate the ENTIRE kitchen! However, the bathroom is first. Jason says the kitchen wall is not a renovation... it's something in the meantime! ;)

This is the hole in the wall before Jason's demo...

And this is how it looks now! The rest is yet to be completed...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Fiona & Rosheen

These pictures were taken today. Fiona really likes to hold and play with her little sister. She's really looking forward to when Rosheen can play Polly Pockets with her! LOL

Check out the kids' blogs

Also, there's a new few new videos of Rosheen on YouTube.

A few weeks ago, Fiona and Jason went to Monster Jam at Rexall Place! They went with Darren & Dakota. They had a great time, and Fiona loved watching all the trucks jump and smash cars!! lol Here's some pictures...

The engine noises were quite loud, so they came prepared! Both girls had protective earphones on (don't worry Sarah)!!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Some New Pics of Rosheen

I've been meaning to get on here more often, but it's difficult to steal this much time! Once Bobbie goes back to MB, I'm sure I'll rarely get on here- unless all the kids are in bed!!

Anyway, I wanted to post some recent pictures of Rosheen. I emailed a bunch out to people, but I know some of you are on dial-up (shudders), and it takes a long time to load the pictures in your email! So here they are...
Visit YouTube for a video of Rosheen!

Snowshoeing with Geocachers!

Yesterday, Jason, Bobbie & Fiona went to Hawrelak Park to do some snowshoeing with the local geocachers of Edmonton! Here's the link to the event: Snowshoeing Event.

They hit the trails, and got to roast marshmallows over an open fire- one of Fiona's favourite parts! Fiona even met up with her geocaching buddy, Taylor. We've seen her parents at some of the gatherings, but Fiona hasn't seen her for a year or so? Bobbie broke one of the snowshoes... so those will be returning to Manitoba with her for repairs (head's up, Bert!) Anyway, it was a great day overall! Pics below!