Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Thought I should post, since it's been a while....

The weather has finally softened up a bit- literally. The snow is not so dry and crunchy, but the roads are now quite slushy. I think we were up to 1C today! Jason convinced me to go out with him and the kids tonight for a sleigh ride. We took a very difficult "path" through the school/park fields behind our complex... The snow was literally up to my knees, and my legs were burning as I pushed through the snow. I was having flash-backs from my childhood... When I would be walking to school in terrible winter weather. I would just sit on the snowbank and hope some kind soul would pick me up and drive me to school! LOL Only this time, I was hoping for a helicopter, b/c we weren't on the road or any path! lol Then of course, my bladder was in desperate need of relieving. At the risk of giving too much information, I wasn't sure whether my relief (in making it to the washroom) came from sitting or peeing! lol

It's starting to feel more and more like our house, the longer we're living here. We're always trying to think of ways to maximize space and renovate. There are SO many things we'd like to do here, but of course, it all takes money! The kitchen is in desperate need of a makeover. We'd like to smash out a wall, redo the cabinets and cupboards, then the floors would have to get done as well. We do need a range hood- that much is necessary. The basement isn't finished, so we're hoping to put up some walls and make a rec room and spare room eventually. The list goes on and on...

I'm feeling SO uncomfortable lately. It's like this baby doubled it's weight overnight. Sleeping is getting more difficult, as every movement is a real chore. I've been having terrible muscle spasms in my thighs, calves and feet. I think the hardest part is having to carry Kieran, whether it's in and out of the car, at the supermarket or up stairs... It's just painful. He doesn't understand, and just wants to cuddle with my pony-tail! lol He's throwing some wicked tantrums in the stores now, when he's confined in the shopping cart. That's been very stressful- especially when people stare and make little comments or "jokes" about what unhappy little boy he is. It takes every bit of restraint in me, not to throw a loaf of bread at their heads!! Sounds funny now, but let me assure you, the aggrivation is real at the time of Kieran's shrieking tantrum!!

Anyway, Jason's needing the computer for work. We haven't got the main pc hooked up yet, and are using only the laptop still.... I'll post soon! Still haven't located our camera... hope it's in one of the boxes we haven't emptied yet... Not holding out much hope, though :(

1 comment:

Katy said...

Oh Katrina! I feel for you as you near the end of your pregnancy. I've got your due date up on my calendar. Good for you venturing out in the snow, a lot of pregnant mums wouldn't bother.

I hope you find your camera!!