Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Moose, Bison & Baking Stones

Just a quick post for me today, with some pictures of Fiona! Last night, I hosted a Pampered Chef party-- which went very well, I might add! I sold enough to get $145 in free stuff, and 3 half priced items! Then, for anything I bought at regular price, was 25% off. I was happy with how it turned out!

Anyway, Jason took Fiona out for a looong hike out near Cooking Lake & Elk Island conservation areas. They had a great time, and took some pictures. They saw a Moose and her calves, and even a buffalo! Fiona got to ride in the MEC backpack carrier (an essential baby/child item), even though her legs dangle way down... she is still within the weight limits to ride! They were both tuckered right out after they got home, but Fiona mustered up enough energy to make her presence known at the party. She was her usual charming self- making funny comments and performing for our guests! lol Here are some pics from Jason and Fiona's adventure... And I'll add some of the kids (including Dakota), from when the Clyde's visited last weekend!

PS/ The buffalo at the top is not in a fenced cage... it's a HUGE national park, with fencing to keep them off the highways...

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