Thursday, March 02, 2006

Time to post!

First of all.... all music lovers, and fans of The Family Guy... HAVE to check out this link!!!
Ah-Ha video spoof

Well, it's quite busy around here. Jason's wrapping up his final semester at the UofA, and will soon have his Masters completed! He's quite stressed, as he's under the gun (the clock is ticking)...
Fiona will be done daycare in the middle of March... long story as to how that came about. We had thought we'd finish up at the end of February, but changed our minds. I had called the morning of Feb. 1st, and told the director. She told me to bring a written notice. Well, between that call and my arriving (during which we had decided to go til the end of March), she had GIVEN Fiona's spot away! It didn't even occur to me at the time, that she couldn't do that w/o my written notice! I thought of that later on in the evening, when I informed Jason. Grrr... so we worked out having Fiona in til Mar 15. Part of me feels bad for taking her out, as she really enjoys it and it is a great facility. However, the bank of Fleming just cannot afford to keep her there. First of all, my maternity ends at the end of March (yeah, news to me, too... thought I had til April), and secondly, we're going to NB April 20-May 4!

Our Ayyam-I-Ha celebration was on Sunday. Jason, Fiona, Kieran and I spent most of Saturday night, setting up the centre for the festivities. Jason arranged to do a bunch of games, crafts and activities. Fiona had a great time, and even got to play with her best buddy from Children's classes, Celine!
(That's me and Fiona in the middle of the group picture)

I shouldn't stay on here much longer. My big plan was to get to bed early. I even taped Survivor and CSI, so I could grocery shop and make it to bed early tonight! Yes, I know-- huge sacrifice on my part!! LOL I'll post a few new pictures and wrap up for the night!

Fiona and Kieran are always on the GO...

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