Life's changed a lot in a year. I can't believe I've neglected this place for over a year...
There was a time when I wrote a lot. Now, I find that I'm just thinking, and how that would make a good read somewhere, at some time. I find it hard to put it down in words. It's like a flood of feelings and thoughts, that have no real flow - and wouldn't make a lot of sense once leaked out my mind. What would I even write, anyway? It's not like anyone would be entertained by my random thoughts on people and human behaviour. Right?
Right now, I'm sitting in Starbucks... drinking a coffee, that I've been nursing for almost an hour. An older man sits at the same table, across from me, and he's deep in thought while reading today's paper. Once in a while he looks up at the young mums across the room, but what he's really after is seat away from here. He just moved to the comfy chair. He's older, but not so out of touch. He carries an cell phone with him, an MP3 player with earbuds dangling around his neck like glasses. But what's interesting about that?! I find it interesting. I love watching people. I love seeing what they do, and how it all plays out.
Two young mums sitting in the soft chairs are conversing about their kids. It's an accomplishment to have children- it's a lot of work. Only those who've had them can even know this. So, yes, we gravitate to this! We want to share our stories. We. Yes. We. I'm a mother of 3. I understand the need to talk. It's amazing how long the conversation can last. It's been a good 45 mins, and they're still talking about their babies and toddlers. When you're whole life and day-to-day routines are around your kids, it's all you've got. Other mums are happy to listen and share. Yet, it's irritating to those who aren't parents.
I had a friend once say she finds it gross and/or annoying when women talk about their child birth. She doesn't have kids- so it's hard to understand. I thought on this for a long time... Why do we do this? What purpose does it serve? Well, you know what? It's a damn miracle we've created. Most of us have suffered through life-threatening pain... and we are entitled to bragging rights. It's a life that we carried for 9 mos. inside us, and now a life that will care for and nurture for the rest of our lives. There's no medals... no appreciation ceremonies... no monetary prize. Let us have the time to share our feat!
So... here I've gone and rambled on! I guess I felt passionate about that last bit! ;)
It's a Friday morning. This place is pretty full, considering it's a weekday. I see women in their mid to late 30's having coffee... wearing yoga attire. Neither of them wearing wedding rings... do they have kids? What do they do? I'm in a constant search for a new career. I'm on the lookout for a job that gives me complete freedom, money and something that I want to do every day!
I'm at a cross-roads.
I went from College student, to working fulltime in a Group Home for behavioural kids... to getting married... travelled to China for a year with my husband... came home expecting baby number one. We moved west, and I began working fulltime while my husband went to school... Baby #2 came along. I stopped working, with no intention of going back to that job!! The agency was horrible, and I was giving up MY time with MY family to take care of kids' whose parents bailed on their responsibilities. Not even going there... So... now it's been over 6 yrs since I worked in my "profession". Along the way, I've worked part time in evenings and weekends. I'm still doing a few PT ventures on the side.... Now, my kids are all in school. The last one, #3, is home 3/5 days of the week... So, I'm not totally out of that stage. But, very close. Eerily close.
What next?
Switching trains... changing highways. Who knows where the track leads. I have no clue. My purpose in life is changing. The ways I'm needed are no longer the same, and I have to figure out how to balance it all out. Truth is, the kids still need to get to school, be cared for afterwards... stay home when sick. The bills still need to be paid. A second income is essential for our family to progress, rather than maintain (barely).
I've started selling Pampered Chef products. I've done some cooking "shows" on YouTube. Those aren't paying the bills yet... but hopefully, I can make a good go of it. But it can't be all I have or do. So what will it be?
So, as I wrap up this convoluted post... Coldplay's "Life in Technicolor" is playing on my MP3 player... A song is always a nice way to end... or segway!
There's a wild wind blowing down the corner of my street
Every night there the headlights are glowing
There's a cold war coming on the radio, I heard
Baby, it's a violent world
Oh love, don't let me go
Won't you take me where the street lights glow?
I could hear rain coming, I could hear the sirens sound
Now my feet won't touch the ground
Time came a-creeping, oh, and time's a loaded gun
Every road is a ray of light
It goes on, time only can lead you on
Still, it's such a beautiful night
Oh love, don't let me go
Won't you take me where the street lights glow?
I can hear rain coming like a serenade of sound
Now my feet won't touch the ground
Gravity, release me
And don't ever hold me down
Now my feet won't touch the ground
Friday, September 16, 2011
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Still Alive...
Honestly, I'll post soon! I've really neglected this blog since Facebook entered into my life!! LOL It's just so much faster, and more bang for the buck, so to speak!!
For now, I'll share some enjoyable music! Local musician, Joe Nolan!!
For now, I'll share some enjoyable music! Local musician, Joe Nolan!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
New Family Member!
... and no, it's not a human baby this time!! WHEW!!
We have a cat! Can you believe it... I , the self-professed cat-hater, has a cat!

I gave in. My kids wanted a kitten so bad (and Jason too). I prefer dogs, but honestly, I didn't want to have all that extra work!! Dogs need regular walks, pee on the grass (making nice dead spots), bark, and take a lot of effort to house train! Other than the one shit pile on our duvet, she's been pretty effortless to take care of! However, it is sort of like having a baby again...
Her name is Caprica. That does not rhyme with paprika! It's pronounced cap-rick-ah. Many people might guess where the name comes from right off the bat! It's from Battlestar Galactica. The human race was divided into 12 colonies. Caprica was one of them. Caprica 6 was the name which people referred to the blonde Cylon Hybrid (played by Tricia Helfer-- Canada's Next Top Model).
We have a cat! Can you believe it... I , the self-professed cat-hater, has a cat!
I gave in. My kids wanted a kitten so bad (and Jason too). I prefer dogs, but honestly, I didn't want to have all that extra work!! Dogs need regular walks, pee on the grass (making nice dead spots), bark, and take a lot of effort to house train! Other than the one shit pile on our duvet, she's been pretty effortless to take care of! However, it is sort of like having a baby again...
cat-proofing the house
- transition feeding when changing foods (just like formula)
- can't leave things on the counters (like leaving things off the lower shelves for a baby)
- sleeping through the day, awake at night
- possibility of cleaning up shitty messes
- limited intimacy with a cat in the bed!
Her name is Caprica. That does not rhyme with paprika! It's pronounced cap-rick-ah. Many people might guess where the name comes from right off the bat! It's from Battlestar Galactica. The human race was divided into 12 colonies. Caprica was one of them. Caprica 6 was the name which people referred to the blonde Cylon Hybrid (played by Tricia Helfer-- Canada's Next Top Model).
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Leaves are turning... but the sky's not grey!
So it's be eons since I've posted on here. I figured since there isn't much of anything do do on this computer, and Jason is busy slaying zombies ... I could update my blog!
We are settling into the new house. Everything is pretty well unpacked. Bert & Bobbie are bringing some furniture out on their next trip to Alberta, which will help fill some empty spots! Hopefully, it'll eliminate the echo in the front room (which is currently empty)! The neighbourhood is great, as are the neighbours. We're in a quiet cul de sac, which is great for the kids to ride around on their bikes!
Fiona's loving her new school, and likes her teacher. Ms Hankinson has repeatedly told me how great Fiona is doing, and that her participation is fabulous. She's one smart cookie! She's made some friends at school, and has a girl down the road that she plays with often! I love that she can walk to her friend's house, on her own, and I don't need to worry about her! I just ask her to call when she arrives, and come straight back if no one is home! In the mornings, Fiona walks to school with a boy in her class and his big sister, who is 13. SO helpful. I'm thinking we might lure her in for a babysitting gig!! Fiona's getting a nice sense of independence with these extra freedoms. She's already asking for a cell phone. Great.
Kieran has started pre-school at a place called Tiny Feats. He loves, loves, loves it! I'm so proud of him. He wasn't shy or nervous in the slightest. Off he went, as the engine of the train, into class, with a big hug and kiss for mummy! So sweet. He's doing really well, and his teacher has nothing but wonderful things to say. No timeouts! Yeah!
Rosheen is still home with me, but she'll be in pre-school next year, when Kieran starts kindergarten (WOAH)! That girl has a spirit all her own! She is definitely in the throws of the terrible twos... However, she is at such a fun stage, and this being #3, I know to enjoy it while it lasts.
I've made a friend! Well, maybe a couple. Back in July, I met a woman and her children at the Rotary park in Stony Plain. She is from Japan, and her husband is here on a 2 yr job. He's an engineer. Miki has 3 kids, and one on the way. It's been really nice visiting with her and her children! Kieran has 2 boys to play with, and Rosheen plays with her daughter, Mai, when she feels so inclined! LOL The other person I've met, is a woman named Krisitta. She is a Baha'i here in Stony Plain, and she has 2 children. She has a girl, 4 and a boy, 6. They came over last Sunday and the kids all played so well together! It's nice having so much space, that we can have 6 kids and 3 adults... and not have it feel cramped!! Life is good.
Our townhouse in NE Edmonton is occupado! We have great tenants. We were worried we would have that place sitting empty for a few months, since the interest was pretty low! However, all at once we had 3 people wanting to see it, and 2 asking to move in! We've lucked into having a nice, responsible couple in their late 40's. They foster kids ages 0-5. I stopped by today to pick up their rent cheques, and it was interesting seeing someone else living in my house... with their things... and their smells. At the same time, I felt little attachment to the house, and was happy to be leaving for MY house :)
My parents are coming for a visit this Monday! They'll be here until Oct 8. This means Jason and I get to go out for a date on our anniversary! PLUS, we're going to Banff sans kids for a weekend, as Jason has an ATESL conference to attend. So excited for that. The kids (and me) are so excited for Grammie and Grampie to come out. Fiona's been telling her teacher and friends at school. I think she'll be quite distracted on Monday, as we are picking them up at the airport right after school. :)
Almost forgot! Jason is now the acting manager of the Training Department! I'm so proud of him! Perhaps it will turn into something more permanent, and the adjective "acting" will disappear :)
As for me-- not much is new in my personal progress! I had to leave the Winspear, with great sadness. I miss the fabulous people I worked with. I had a lot of fun at that job. I really got to feel like Katrina, and not so-and-so's mother, or Jason's wife. However, it wasn't realistic to keep on there, now that we're out in Stony Plain. It'd be about a 45-50 min drive into downtown Edmonton, and I'd be burning up my pay in gas costs. So for now, I'm still working at MacEwan College every few weeks, as an IELTS invigilator. The pay is great, and the experience is great, also.
Well--- that's it for now... I'm not going to bother posting pictures. If you want to see some, check out my FB profile! :)
So long for now!
We are settling into the new house. Everything is pretty well unpacked. Bert & Bobbie are bringing some furniture out on their next trip to Alberta, which will help fill some empty spots! Hopefully, it'll eliminate the echo in the front room (which is currently empty)! The neighbourhood is great, as are the neighbours. We're in a quiet cul de sac, which is great for the kids to ride around on their bikes!
Fiona's loving her new school, and likes her teacher. Ms Hankinson has repeatedly told me how great Fiona is doing, and that her participation is fabulous. She's one smart cookie! She's made some friends at school, and has a girl down the road that she plays with often! I love that she can walk to her friend's house, on her own, and I don't need to worry about her! I just ask her to call when she arrives, and come straight back if no one is home! In the mornings, Fiona walks to school with a boy in her class and his big sister, who is 13. SO helpful. I'm thinking we might lure her in for a babysitting gig!! Fiona's getting a nice sense of independence with these extra freedoms. She's already asking for a cell phone. Great.
Kieran has started pre-school at a place called Tiny Feats. He loves, loves, loves it! I'm so proud of him. He wasn't shy or nervous in the slightest. Off he went, as the engine of the train, into class, with a big hug and kiss for mummy! So sweet. He's doing really well, and his teacher has nothing but wonderful things to say. No timeouts! Yeah!
Rosheen is still home with me, but she'll be in pre-school next year, when Kieran starts kindergarten (WOAH)! That girl has a spirit all her own! She is definitely in the throws of the terrible twos... However, she is at such a fun stage, and this being #3, I know to enjoy it while it lasts.
I've made a friend! Well, maybe a couple. Back in July, I met a woman and her children at the Rotary park in Stony Plain. She is from Japan, and her husband is here on a 2 yr job. He's an engineer. Miki has 3 kids, and one on the way. It's been really nice visiting with her and her children! Kieran has 2 boys to play with, and Rosheen plays with her daughter, Mai, when she feels so inclined! LOL The other person I've met, is a woman named Krisitta. She is a Baha'i here in Stony Plain, and she has 2 children. She has a girl, 4 and a boy, 6. They came over last Sunday and the kids all played so well together! It's nice having so much space, that we can have 6 kids and 3 adults... and not have it feel cramped!! Life is good.
Our townhouse in NE Edmonton is occupado! We have great tenants. We were worried we would have that place sitting empty for a few months, since the interest was pretty low! However, all at once we had 3 people wanting to see it, and 2 asking to move in! We've lucked into having a nice, responsible couple in their late 40's. They foster kids ages 0-5. I stopped by today to pick up their rent cheques, and it was interesting seeing someone else living in my house... with their things... and their smells. At the same time, I felt little attachment to the house, and was happy to be leaving for MY house :)
My parents are coming for a visit this Monday! They'll be here until Oct 8. This means Jason and I get to go out for a date on our anniversary! PLUS, we're going to Banff sans kids for a weekend, as Jason has an ATESL conference to attend. So excited for that. The kids (and me) are so excited for Grammie and Grampie to come out. Fiona's been telling her teacher and friends at school. I think she'll be quite distracted on Monday, as we are picking them up at the airport right after school. :)
Almost forgot! Jason is now the acting manager of the Training Department! I'm so proud of him! Perhaps it will turn into something more permanent, and the adjective "acting" will disappear :)
As for me-- not much is new in my personal progress! I had to leave the Winspear, with great sadness. I miss the fabulous people I worked with. I had a lot of fun at that job. I really got to feel like Katrina, and not so-and-so's mother, or Jason's wife. However, it wasn't realistic to keep on there, now that we're out in Stony Plain. It'd be about a 45-50 min drive into downtown Edmonton, and I'd be burning up my pay in gas costs. So for now, I'm still working at MacEwan College every few weeks, as an IELTS invigilator. The pay is great, and the experience is great, also.
Well--- that's it for now... I'm not going to bother posting pictures. If you want to see some, check out my FB profile! :)
So long for now!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Summer Update

So, yes... my activity on my blog has dropped off the map almost completely. I can blame this in part on Facebook. My apologies. It's just easier to post a slough of pictures on there and have most people see them quickly. Besides, there really aren't may people who check this page religiously!! lol
It's already the middle of July. Holy smokes! We have less than 2 wks to finish our packing, before we leave for Manitoba. Our possession date is actually while we're away, so we won't be moving in until August 8th. Since we're moving, we have cut our visit to MB a bit shorter than we planned. Hopefully, we'll be back in Edmonton no later than the 4th, so we can pack up our remaining items and be ready to go for the weekend!! Fiona & Kieran will be staying behind with Grandma and Grandpa, and RVing back to Edmonton. This actually worked out well, b/c that will give us a break while packing up... since we'll only have ONE kid! Pft. Easy peasy!!
Fiona will be starting in a new school this year. She's excited, but sad to leave her friends behind. She actually told us that she wanted to move in the middle of the year, so the kids would know she was new and want to be her friend!! lol The girl loves attention :) I think she'll do just fine. Fiona has always been very resilient.

As you can see from the picture, I've inserted here... Stony Plain isn't that far from Edmonton. It's super close to Spruce Grove- which has pretty much everything a person would need (except a Michaels and Costco)!
So, the days are racing by and we'll be in our new house before we know it. I'm ecstatic. I can't wait to cook in my spacious kitchen while watching the kids play in the huge yard from the window.... to have a nice wood-burning fire on Christmas morning in our cozy family room. I can't wait to wake up loving the house I'm living in!!!

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