Thursday, October 09, 2008

A contrast: Fredericton

These were taken at two different times of the year (and years)... I took the first one in autumn 2002, before Fiona was born! The second picture was taken (not by me) in Spring 2008!!Alongside the St. John River, taken from the overpass on Regent Street.

This was the highest flood level Fredericton saw in over 100 yrs....

Friday, October 03, 2008

Canada's Federal Election: October 14, 2008

Ok... so it's election time again in Canada. It wasn't that long ago, that we voted for a Prime Minister (less than 2 yrs)! Usually, they're every 4 years... For my American friend... we have a different voting system here in Canada than the US. We have to vote for a local MP, based on who we want to win the PM seat. In other words, If I want the NDP's to win, I have to vote for the NDP candidate in my riding. The party with the most seats elected, is voted into power. Stupid system, in my opinion.

Regardless of that- I plan to vote. Many people don't. I don't understand that. Change will never happen if people don't start taking action and voting. SO many say "why? the person I'd like to win won't get in anyway"... Well, if EVERYONE who said that voted, it's quite possible the underdog would win!! So with that in mind, I plan to vote for who I want to win, and not strategically. By strategic, I mean, voting for a party that I know has a chance of winning (even though I don't prefer that party/candidate), just to ensure the party I don't want to win, doesn't get elected. Make sense?! Hope so!! lol

The Contenders....
Current Prime Minister, Stephen Harper
Progressive Conservative (PC)
No platform apparently...

Elizabeth May
Green Party

Jack Layton
New Democrat Party (NDP)

Stephan Dion
Liberal Party

News Articles ONLINE
An interesting read about the platforms being announced by each leader, in the Ottawa Citizen.
Global News article regarding the Oct 2, 2008 debate
CBC Top headlines Canada Votes

Oct 2, 2008 Debate Video Clips