Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rosheen's First Birthday!

Rosheen turned 1 on January 23! I can't believe it's already been a year since she was born. Even after having 3 kids, I still can't believe how fast the time goes. Rosheen is walking now- even trying to say things. She's got Mama & Dada down pat, and even points to us when she's shouting our names at the top of her lungs! lol Jason's parents were here this past week for her birthday. They just left yesterday morning and are now home in Manitoba. Bobbie, Jason's mum, also celebrated her birthday this week! I'll keep the # a secret ;) Here are some pictures from Rosheen's birthday!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Some of my cards

I have posted just a couple of pics of the cards I've made recently. I have pictures of other cards as well, but we've just had a file retrieval done and I have no idea where they are at the moment!

I made this one for Rosheen's birthday.

This one was for my MIL for her b-day.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Christmas in Alberta with the Connell's

Me, Rosheen, (brother) James, (dad) Pat, (mother) Hazel, (brother) Shaun, Jason, Kieran & Fiona

Ok, so I've really neglected my blog... People probably don't even check this anymore! lol I have to say, that Facebook seems to eat my time... but I'm not on there as much as I used to be. It's good for meeting people and seeing what everyone is up to... but then, it looses it's lustre.

My parents were here for Christmas; the first one ever in Edmonton and the first one with my family since 2002 (when Fiona was only 2 mos old)! Thanks to my brother, who paid for their flight here ;) The kids had a great time- and I'm pretty sure my mum and dad enjoyed themselves as well!! I've got pictures to prove it!

Jason even got out Geocaching with my dad and the kids, on a gorgeous day! We had just gotten a nice hoar frost a few days prior, followed by some sticky and fluffy snow... A very scenic combination!!!