Wednesday, August 01, 2007

My Poor Neglected Blog!

I see it's been exactly one month since my last post! I used to keep up so well with my blog. I am blaming this totally on Facebook!! I tend to post pictures and tidbit updates on there, so this poor blog has been left in the dust!!!

Thought I'd give a quick update today, though!!

Summer has been ultra hot here this year. We've been in the 30's for a few weeks, except the past couple of days have been very comfortable... 24C is just right!! Have a new van (new to us anyway), with A/C has been a God send!! We have had it almost a month now, and still have to sell our Caravan. We've not listed it anywhere... it took us almost 2 wks to get to cleaning it out after having company for the majority of July!

Fiona's starting school this September. As long as she's 5 by November, I think, they are able to start this fall. She's so excited!!! When we attended the open house, she was disappointed she wouldn't be 'learning' anything that night! lol It's hard to believe she's almost 5!! We've got her new backpack; pink and black as requested! She has one needle left to get before school starts, and that's tomorrow evening... the 3rd round of her HebB shot. We got the MMR last week.

Kieran is still getting into lots of things... fearless as ever!! He's the most challenging part of having 3 kids!! He's talking lots and starting to put multiple words together for form makeshift sentences. It's neat to see him progress in such short stints! He is still getting up early in the morning... not 5am like before, but closer to 6am now. Jason tells him it will be remembered when he's a teenager, trying to sleep in!! :o)

Rosheen is 6mos, and healthy as ever. She's got a huge smile and is quite content most of the time!! I think she's starting to teeth or needing some cereal before bed, b/c she's waking more through the night than before. She used to get up once, and now it's 3 times in the night!!

That's a quick summary. We're hoping to get the basement reno's done this month when Jason's parents visit. It'll be nice to have a rec room if nothing else!
