The New Fleming Hobby!!!

Jason recently bought a GPS unit. His goal: to finally geocache! I'm sure most of you haven't a hot clue what this technological trend is... Here's what Wikepedia has to say about it:
GeocachingJason finds all the caches thru
www.geocaching.comQuickly explained, it is a treasure hunt. There are hundreds of thousands of them all over Canada and the world. Yes, even in small towns like NINGA, MANITOBA! Jason's researching what caches we can find on our trip to Manitoba next week! Using a GPS, you find the coordinates of a hidden cache (treasure). Jason uses googleEarth to find or map our the trek. He loves this, b/c it blends technolo

gy with being ourdoors. Our most recent cache (no pictures, unfortunately), was called "smiling beaver". It was just outside of Edmonton, on the verge of suburbia. We had to navigate our way through tons of Wild Rose bushes... my legs and arms were not happy. Next time, I will not wear capris and a tank top! Nonetheless, we had a great time... and we each got a nice
Geocaching bracelet! Yes, you get something usually... and it's proper etiquitte to leave something in it's stead.

These were taken at Nellie McClung Park in Edmonton.