Monday, May 22, 2006

A Walk in the Woods

Another geocaching adventure. This one was much more intense the the others we have done, and it took a long time. We had several specific directions to follow through the Mill Creek Rivine. We started near the river, and ended up about half a km from Whyte Ave. Jason hiked back the long way, and Fiona and I took a short cut to a parking lot near the pool... where Dad picked us up :) The mosquitoes were HORRIBLE!! Even through our long sleeves and pants, we acquired many bites! Here are some pictures of our adventure.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


The New Fleming Hobby!!!

Jason recently bought a GPS unit. His goal: to finally geocache! I'm sure most of you haven't a hot clue what this technological trend is... Here's what Wikepedia has to say about it: Geocaching
Jason finds all the caches thru

Quickly explained, it is a treasure hunt. There are hundreds of thousands of them all over Canada and the world. Yes, even in small towns like NINGA, MANITOBA! Jason's researching what caches we can find on our trip to Manitoba next week! Using a GPS, you find the coordinates of a hidden cache (treasure). Jason uses googleEarth to find or map our the trek. He loves this, b/c it blends technology with being ourdoors. Our most recent cache (no pictures, unfortunately), was called "smiling beaver". It was just outside of Edmonton, on the verge of suburbia. We had to navigate our way through tons of Wild Rose bushes... my legs and arms were not happy. Next time, I will not wear capris and a tank top! Nonetheless, we had a great time... and we each got a nice Geocaching bracelet! Yes, you get something usually... and it's proper etiquitte to leave something in it's stead.

These were taken at Nellie McClung Park in Edmonton.

Uncle Shaun's Visit

Shaun was here for the Oilers game on Friday night, so he swung by on Saturday and spent the day with us. The kids had a great time, and so did Uncle Shaun. I think he was a bit surprised at just how "busy" these two kids are!

Yes, those are pure enamel you're looking at on Kieran... He's got 7.5 teeth now!!

Fiona's always hard to get a natural smile when posing for pictures... so we thought a "reading" shot would suffice.

Where Was I?

We've been VERY busy the past month or so... We've wrapped up Jason's last semester at the Univ. of Alberta. He has officially graduated, and has a Masters of Education! Yipeee!!! We travelled to Fredericton, NB for a visit and yard sale... We liquidated almost all our stuff which was stored in my parents' attic. It was hard parting with all our stuff, but we made out alright. Our visit there was great. We spent lots of time with my parents. We got to visit Gareth, Amanda, Rowan and Rhian in Perth-Andover- which was excellent. We also got a last minute visit from Matt & Anna and Co. Here are some recent pictures from the past month or two!!! I'll post in more detail later. Kieran's napping, and Dora is half over!